Part 21 - Deceit

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I called out Remus' name as he fell deeper into Limbo. My heart dropped down through the floor. Remus was gone. That was it. Personalities don't regenerate once they fall into Limbo. No new Remus would come along. Even if one did, he wouldn't be MY Remus. Thomas' intrusive thoughts are just gone. Forever.

Wrath's pounding feet started barreling towards me. I went wide eyed but ducked quickly, making my way towards Virgil's weak and limp body. When I was closer, I could see his faint breaths. He was grabbing onto his stomach where Wrath shot him, blood forming a small puddle around him. I sighed in relief, at least he's not dead. I'm not losing another friend tonight.

Wrath came up behind me, picked me up by my neck. My feet couldn't reach the ground. His eyes were like fire against my skin, craving into me. He squeezed my neck tighter in his fist. Spots of warm colors started to fill my vision. "Where are my powers? What did you do to me?!" His voice echoed around.

"Isn't it obvious?" I squeaked out. "They're awake." Wrath's eyes widened. He moved closer to Limbo, holding me above the pit.

"Give me one damn good reason why I shouldn't drop you down to join Remus?" He demanded. In a fearful attempt to save my skin, I thought fast.

"Because, I can still help you!" I lied. His eyebrows rose.

"Perhaps you can." He turned around and slammed me on the ground. I sucked in the chilling air, clearing my airways through harsh coughs. Wrath pounded his foot into my chest, hovering above me. I could feel the heat of his angry aura. He held his hand out over my face. My pupils shrunk as a yellow hue ran into his glowing hand. I yelled out and twitched violently. I could feel my face go red as I was forgetting to breathe. Just trying to hold onto my aura was taking all my concentration.

Wrath removed his hand and I choked for air. His eye was glowing a bright yellow was he stared at me. My eyes were drooping weakly but I fought to stay awake.

Virgil started to stir, moaning in uncomfortable pain. Wrath's neck snapped upwards towards his direction. He stepped over me, getting his foot off my chest. I rolled over, balancing on my hands and knees. I looked up at them but felt sick at what I was seeing.

Wrath had picked Virgil up by the collar of his shirt. Virgil's head was bobbed to the side while Wrath was biting into Virgil's neck. I felt anger rise up my throat. Virgil is my friend, as much as I tried to ignore that while I served Wrath, it's the truth. Wrath let go of Virgil who felt limply to the ground with a sickening thump.

Wrath extended his hand to Virgil and his aura spun into his hand. His eyes turned to me, half yellow and half purple. "This time, he won't come back!" Wrath said, kicking him to the side. With that, Wrath turned back towards the subconscious, walking inside it.

I crawled towards Virgil, getting his half dried blood on my clothes. I turned him over onto his back. I sat up on my knees and looked at his shot wound. It looked bad. Super swollen but not bleeding as much. Some loose tears slipped down my face. "Don't worry, Virgil." I said, not sure who I was talking to. "The others are awake, they'll be here soon!" I looked back the way we came from, "I hope..."

I leaned my head down on Virgil's chest, his heart beat was spotty and weak. I took Virgil's unresponsive hand in my own. I cried into him. I can't believe I let this happen. I started to snap my fingers, hoping that some of my magic was still left and I could wake him up. But I couldn't.

I listened to Wrath out of fear. I told Remus to just follow along. Oh god, Remus. What am I going to tell, Roman? Or Thomas for that matter? I can feel the weight of this entire situation fall onto my shoulders, pulling closer to the ground. Everything hurts right now.

I let my eyes slip close and my mind rest. I just wanted to sleep and not wake up right now.

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