Part 17 - Roman

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I was collecting the DVDs and putting them back on the shelves. I don't remember exactly when I fell asleep but I don't remember changing DVDs. After that, I walked back over to Thomas in the kitchen. He had a limp smile on his face and I could help but smile too. If it were up to me, he could live in that dream world forever but dreams are only dreams. The waking world is where dreams become reality. I pressed my two fingers together, ready to snap Thomas awake when I heard a door slam upstairs. My head whipped over, my eyebrow arched. what was Virgil doing up there?

I walked back upstairs, kind of hesitant but ready for anything. I summoned my sword but kept it hidden behind me. Never know what could be happening up here.

That got me thinking again about Virgil. How broken he looked when he hugged me after not having the courage to look inside my room to see whether or not I was attacked. I don't want to think about it. I fully came up the stairs and saw Virgil looking around the hallway nervously.

"Virgil? What was that?" He seemed shocked when he turned around to see me but quickly wiped the shock from his face and replaced it with fear. I saw his eyes drift down to where my sword was so I summoned it away, hoping he didn't see it and get scared by it.

"I-I don't know." He said, clearing his throat like something was caught in it. I patted his back, trying to help but he only swatted my hand away. He looked at me, reading my expression before curling in on himself. "Sorry...I-I'm fine though." He said. I wrapped his hand in mine and watched him smile meekly at me.

"We should probably get packing for our little adventure, huh?" I asked.

"Huh?" He asked, giving me a confused look. I returned his look but he shook his head and chuckled a little, "Oh yeah, we should. Hey, can you help me pack?" My smiled warmly.

"Of course." I said. I lead him into his room and sat him down on his bed. I grabbed a small backpack from his closet and started filling it with things I know he'd want. I grabbed his small sketchbook and a pencil, some extra hoodies, and finally grabbing eye shadow. I set the bag down in front of him and watched him dig through it. He pulled things out, examining the items before shrugging and putting them back in the backpack. He gave me a smile and a thumbs up.

He's adorable. I took a seat next to him, watching him fly up as I sat jumped down onto the bed. He...laughed. Like, a hardy and genuine laugh. He barely ever does that. I laughed along with him to make it seem as though I saw nothing was wrong. We finally stopped laughing, Virgil was looking deeply into my eyes and I starring back into his. "Thank you for packing for me."

"You're welcome, darling. I'm just so glad that we're going to be able to save Patton and Logan." His eyes widened and I could see beads of sweat start to drip down his face.

"O-Oh yeah, m-m too." He nervously spat out. He chuckled oddly. Is he...having second thoughts about this? He grabbed my hands and pulled me onto my feet. He then pulled me into a deep kiss. I, of course, kissed back but I was very confused. Virgil was having mood swings like a crazy person. First nervousness, then love? How does that make any sense?

Virgil started biting at my bottom lip, wanting me to open my mouth. I did a little bit, I never thought Virgil would come on so strong like this.

But then, something happened.

I felt Virgil bite hard on my bottom lip. I opened my eyes I didn't know I had closed and saw him looking at me, one eye brown, one eye yellow. I let out a scream through our kiss. I can't believe it, Deceit tricked me! But if he's Deceit, where the hell is Virgil?

Deceit's teeth removed themselves from my lip and all of the sudden I felt super dizzy. I could see his fangs poking out of his smirk as he shifted back into his normal form. I fell backwards onto the ground, gripped the carpet under me, trying to stop the spinning. Black spots where filling my vision, Deceit was leaning over me with a sick and twisted smile. My eyes rolled back into my head as I finally shut my eyes. I felt Deceit pick me up, I tired to open my eyes again, I couldn't. I tired to move again, I couldn't. I tired to do anything but I couldn't.

Then as if a switched was clicked, my mind plummeted into a deadly sleep.

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