Part 13 - Virgil

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I held my breath as Logan came to my side, taking a closer look at Patton. "Anxiety, that was utterly useless." Logan stated. I bowed my head, Logan's eyes glaring right through me.

"Hey, give him some credit!" Roman said, stepping closer to Logan. "At least he tried, what have you been doing?" Logan turned his body, looking in the center of Roman's eyes.

"I've been researching what could possibly be wrong with Morality. And if you excuse me, I'd like to get back to that instead of playing pretend with you two." With that, Logan started to walk towards the door.

"L-Logan, wait!" I said. Logan's had his hand resting on the door knob but he turned around at the sound of his name. I took a couple steps closer to him. "No offence to you, but I know how Deceit's poisons work more than you. Maybe, we could work together in figuring out how to wake Patton up?" I rubbed my damp hands together, Logan's brows were looking down upon me, growing angrier by the second. Logan took a step towards me, causing me to take a step back. We continued this little dance until I was backed into a corner, I could see Roman frozen in place.

I crouched down into the corner, wanting to seem small. Logan towered above me, his eyes like daggers craving his anger into my skin. "I may not know as much as you do about Deceit's ways but at least I was never a dark side like you." His words struck me. My whole body began to shake.

"Logan, what are you doing?" Roman said from behind.

"You know I'm right, Creativity!" Logan said, whipping his head around to face Roman before turning back to me. "And unless you want to deny me and stand up for yourself, which we know you can't, you'll stay out of my way so you don't fuck things up even more than you have!"

"Stop it, Logan!" Roman yelled, causing me to flinch. My face was wet and shiny, blood dripping down the lip I was biting. Roman approached Logan, putting his hands on his shoulders, trying to pull him away but Logan was too robotic, almost knowing Roman's moves ahead of time. Logan shoved Roman back who stumbled, crashing into Patton's desk.

"ROMAN!" I hollered as the desk smash under his weight. Logan turned back to me, I didn't see what happened next but I sure as hell felt it.

My cheek stung as my shaky hand felt the hotness on my face. Logan turned on his heel and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I whimpered at the noise, pulling my legs to my chest, hiding my head between my knees. I couldn't believe it, I knew Logan would "shut down" his emotions, but I didn't know that his would be so...ruthless.

I heard a moan from Roman. He lifted his head up, rubbing his head with his hand. I looked up at the same time Roman looked at me. "Oh my god." Roman said, scrambling to get off of the desk. He crawled over to me, grabbing my hand, pulling me closer to him whilst I sobbed harder.

"I-I d-d-d-didn't mean to b-be u-u-useless" I stuttered, Roman held my tighter.

"Shhh, Virgil." Roman rubbed calming circle on my back, making my sobs quieter. "Don't listen to whatever Logan said. He's wrong, you know that. You tried to wake Patton up...a-and we'll try again when you're ready. Everything is going to be fine just calm down baby." Roman's words were comforting against my black and vulgar thoughts.

Roman helped me to my feet, my knees slightly wobbly. Roman balanced me, opening the door for me and guiding me downstairs. We stopped at the bottom step, Roman letting go of me. "Stay here, I'll put in a movie and we can calm down together, okay?" I nodded and watched Roman scurry off.

I turned my attention to the control center for Thomas, trying to see what was going on in his world. It seemed like he was sitting on couch...crying? He was having a panic attack like I was. How could I not realize?! I looked over my shoulder and saw Roman trying to choose a movie. I took this as my chance.

I appeared Thomas' living room, walking slowly and quietly over to him. Thomas didn't notice when I sat down next to him, he was crying and shaking, hugging a throw pillow that was on the couch. "T-Thomas?" He looked at me with wide and scared eyes. "It's alright, it's just me, Virgil" Thomas nodded, I noticed him clutch the pillow harder. It stung a little to know that he was scared of me right now, but I understood why.

"Thomas, can I touch you?" Thomas nodded. So, I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a gentle hug which he leaned into. We sat in silence for a couple of moments before I heard Thomas clear his throat.

"A-Are you okay?" Thomas asked me. I paused but slowly nodded no.

"Something's wrong with Patton and Logan. Patton is a coma or something and Logan's is so hurt because Patton's in a coma that Logan shut off all of his emotions. Me and Roman just got in a fight with Logan..." I paused, wiping away the tears that were sliding down my face. Thomas held my hand as I sniffled. "Logan pushed Roman and hit me." Thomas didn't make any noise that sounded like he was sorry, if anything I swear I heard him laugh a little. I figured that him not having Patton around anymore was starting to take effect.

I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling sleep drag my heavy body further into the couch. Thomas' chest was rising and falling evenly, he'd fallen asleep. I was right behind. Feeling the light from the room fade away.

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