Part 6 - Patton

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I woke up, seeing the lights of my ceiling fan switched on, leaving the room with a yellow tint. I heard mumbling coming from the hallway. I was about to get up and investigate when my door opened with a creek. Logan walked through the door, many books in his hands all of which looked worn and read through about a dozen times. He quietly shut the door behind him before he made eye contact with me. "Oh, I see you're awake. Good morning, Patton"

"Morning, Lo!" I said with yawn. I rubbed the sleep from my still, tired eyes and watched Logan set all the books down on my desk then walk over to me. Logan placed a kiss on the top of my head, then looking back at me with a comforting smile.

"You feel better from yesterday?"

"I do. Thank you, Logan" I sighed. "A-And...I'm sorry about the...b-box cutter." I said, unsure of what Logan would say in return.

"It's alright, Patton. I'm just happy you're alright." I felt my cheeks redden and a smile form on my face. "You're adorable" Logan whispered making my giggle. I suddenly remember I was still in my cat onesie which only made me laugh more. I stood up from my bed and went inside my closet to change. I decided to wear a light blue v-neck with ripped blue jeans and mismatched socks. Finally, I strapped my light gray cardigan on and walked out of my closet.

Logan was no longer sitting on my bed but rather, at my desk, which I hardly ever used. I wrapped my arms around Logan and noticed he was reading a book. More specifically, the book labeled, Anxiety. He was on a chapter called, "Inside the Mind" but I was hardly focused on that. I know we had already talked about him getting rid of those books, but I didn't want to press the matter. Instead, I tried to act calm, "What'cha reading, Lo?"

"Virgil's book. I'm going to the dream scape with him today. I'm hoping that I can stop his onslaught of nightmares before they have any lasting effects on him." Logan explained. I nodded and began to read the page he had begun to read, 'All sides have dreams and nightmares however, nightmares work differently for dark sides. They seem more realistic which will cause Anxiety to have a stronger reaction to a nightmare than any other dark side. That being said, if a dark side is dreaming about the dark mind palace, the dreaming side can be either seen or heard by whatever sides are in the dark mind palace at the time.'

"This kinda sounds scary, Lo." I said. His fingers wrapped around mine in a assuring manner.

"I promise you, Patton, this is going to help Virgil. My goal is not to make things worse."

"I know that, silly." I said with a light chuckle. "But I can only imagine how Virgil feels about all this." Logan gave a hum of agreement and continued with his read. I decided I was going to go make some breakfast.

I went to leave, shutting the door behind me quietly, not wanting to disrupt Logan and walked into the kitchen. I began making french toast when I heard another door close. As his footsteps came down the stairs, Roman was stretching and yawning. His outfit made it look as if he had been up for a couple hours but his body language was saying otherwise. "Just wake up, kiddo?" I asked.

"Kinda. I woke up at 8 but fell asleep in Virgil's room at 9-ish." He said, leaning against the counter tops while I was cooking the toast. I looked at the clock on the oven, '11:30 am'

"Are you aware that we're going to the dream scape today?" I asked. Roman nodded and went to grab a cup of coffee. "Where is Virgil anyway?"

"Asleep. He never slept last night so I'm letting him sleep now. He needs it...badly." Roman said with a sigh. My poor kiddos. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for Roman to see Virgil like this. I passed Roman a plate of french toast and smiled at him.

"Don't worry, kiddo. Virge will be much better in no time." Roman gave me a weak smile in return, staring down at his coffee which he was swirling in his hands.

"I hope you're right, Pat. His nightmares keep getting worse! He struggles to even tell me about them." He sighs. "I-I mean, I know they're just nightmares but, Virgil seems to think that there is something more to them!" Roman's statement made me stop. That kinda sounded like something in Logan's book.

"You know..." Roman's eyes turned to me, "I read in one of Logan's books, that nightmares for 'dark sides' aren't exactly like nightmares for us." I said. Roman began to pick at his french toast, his eyes were focused, thinking about my statement. "I know, that's just another thing to add to the mystery of Virgil and his condition right now but, I hope that helps." Roman nodded and began to eat his now, cold french toast.

Foot steps began to echo from the upstairs but soon, became closer until Logan was visible. He came around the kitchen and kissed my forehead. I giggled and handed Logan a cup of coffee I had poured for him previously. I made it exactly how he likes it. 2 sugars. He took a drink of it and nodded to Roman. As if a light bulb went off in his mind, Logan wandered over to the medicine cabinet and pulled out a white pill. I wasn't entirely sure what kind of pill it was, but Logan put it in his pocket and then walked back to my side. "Where's Virgil?" Logan asked.

"Right here." A groggy voice called. We all looked over to see Virgil in his normal hoodie and ripped black jeans walking heavily towards us. He leaned into Roman and grabbed his hand. They were so cute together.

"Virgil, you should still be in bed!" Roman protested.

"Actually, he's right on time." Logan looked over at the oven's clock, '12:00 pm' "Ready to go?"

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