Part 28 - Deceit

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I must've woken up a couple hours later. My head was fuzzy and my ears were ringing. I guess I hit my head harder than I thought. I looked up slowly, my neck popping. My vision was fading back into focus. I wish it hadn't. I was now looking upon Logan who's tie was lose and his glasses were upside down on his face. Patton was even worse. He was violently ripping his cat onesie cardigan to shreds. If it wasn't bad enough, Patton was laughing like Remus would. I must be too late.

I looked up at the platform, Wrath was watching Thomas. He was whispering to him. Giving him thoughts and ideas. I couldn't make out what he was saying but I watched as Thomas' head bobbed up and down. Wrath cackled with glee as Thomas took his idea.

Wrath turned around, we made eye contact. My face went red and my heart froze."You're awake I see." I swallowed harshly. He looked over to Patton and Logan. They were still in their own little worlds. "Hey!" Wrath shouted to them. They both looked up at him. Patton seemed slightly annoyed and Logan seemed confused. "Do I have to spell it out for you? Get moving along with the plan!"

Logan and Patton both stood up and started to moved to me. A spike of panic shot through me. I tried to move but soon found, my leg was chained to the wall. I struggled against it but not in time. Patton unlocked the chain and roughly grabbed my arm. Logan did the same. Wrath hopped down from his platform and walked out of the room. I was dragged along behind him.

We walked out into the main Subconscious with all of our glowing sections. Almost all of our glowing sections. I could see into Roman, Patton, and Logan's. All of their coding looked much different than before. Wrath had done it. Wrath really did rewrite Thomas.

He stopped in front of my section. Its glow was a weak yellow, probably because I didn't have my aura. Patton giggled wickedly, "What are we going to do to him? Torture? I hope it's torture!" He said, grinning at me.

"We could throw him into the light mind palace." Logan suggested.

"That's why you're NOT Logic anymore. You and your idiotic ideas!" Patton growled.

"Quiet, you animals!" Wrath demanded. He turned his attention back to me. He put one hand on my section and examined it. "You know Deceit, I was tempted to rewrite your section of Thomas too. I could've made you the perfect little addition to Thomas' new life!" Wrath sighed. "But alas, you didn't make the cut. So then the question was: what am I going to do with Deceit? I can't really put him anywhere. He knows the mind palace like the back of his gloves. But then it hit me. If I can't make you join me and if I can't find a place to put you, you're going to be cut off." My eyes widened.

", you can't be serious!" I shouted, struggling against Logan and Patton.

"Oh, but I am." Wrath purred. Patton howled with laughter. Logan looked confused. Wrath switched his attention to my dull yellow section. "Let's see, what to break first?" He grabbed a piece of my code. My teeth gnashed together. Growing angry as he messed with everything that I am, "Likes and dislikes..." Wrath smashed it in his hand. I screamed out as I started to become see through. "Hopes and dreams?" Another things smashed. "Your room?" Another thing smashed.

"Stop it!" I cried. Patton put his hand around my lips. Wrath smirked and reached out for another bit.

"Oh, this'll be a big one." He showed it to me. I broke into a cold sweat. "All memories of Remus." Tears started to fall down my face. Why? He could take anything else, just not the one thing I have left of Remus. He was crunching it in his hands, the code was cracking. Memories were slipping from my mind. I tried to hold on them but it was useless. Patton was on the edge of his seat, rocking back and forth on his toes.

Wrath stopped though. He froze.

Then Patton froze.

Then Logan froze.

Everything seemed to stop.

He dropped my Remus code on the floor and it flew back into my section. Patton and Logan let go of me and fell to the floor. Wrath was yelling out in anger. His eye with the yellow and purple tint was glowing brightly. It faded fast as I felt my aura flow back through me. I felt alive again, like I hadn't been me in a very long time.

I stretched out my hands and smiled. I was really me again. Wrath grabbed me by my collar and pulled my close into his face. His eyes were glowing his natural red-ish and orange. I chuckled at him, "Don't look at me, you said it yourself: 'Anxiety always comes back.'" His eyes widened but grew even more enraged. He threw me out of the Subconscious. I was inches away for Limbo.

Wrath's stomping feet were marching closer. I sprang back onto my feet. My mouth rose to a smirk. I focused my aura onto myself and summoned my other sets of arms. Wrath looked a little afraid at first. "It's me vs. you Wrath. Do you really want to do this?" Wrath growled and summoned his weapon: a whip. He lashed it at me but I was able to grab it. I swung him over my head. He was now balancing at the edge of Limbo. I let go of his whip and extended my arms so that I could push him over. And I did, I pushed him over but he grabbed onto me. I was pulled along with him. I was falling into Limbo too.

My heart was beating like a drum. I heard Wrath's voice trail downwards. I closed my eyes but the wind in my hair stopped. I looked up to see Patton grabbed onto to one of my many arms. He was struggling but managed to pull me up at out of Limbo.

Patton fell backwards once I was touching the ground again. Logan caught Patton in his arms. They both looked at me, I was panting and still in some shock. I looked up at the both of them and started laughing. Even though I was laughing, small tears were coming out of my eyes.

Patton started laughing and crying too. Logan soon joined but only chuckled and didn't cry. Patton pulled me closer and wrapped me in a hug. My other arms vanished as I returned his hug. I looked to Logan who gave me a loving smile.

Patton let go, his eyes on me, "What happened?"

"Wrath rewrote you. You too are crazy as your opposites. Please, never change!" They both laughed.

"Is that why my cardigan is a just a massive heap of cotton and fluff?" Patton questioned.

"And is that why my glasses weren't on correctly?" Logan asked. I nodded and let out another laugh. Damn, it's good to be back. "Your section of Subconscious seemed damaged." Logan added. I nodded my head. Patton looked at Logan. While Patton seemed nervous, Logan's face read confidence. "We can fix that."

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