Part 25 - Deceit

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Logan and Patton went wide eyed and looked around carefully. I could feel my aura which meant, I could feel Wrath's present. I took quiet steps forward. The room was red and white code letters were flying all around the walls. There were also screens on the far wall that were like security cameras. I could see the imagination, the light mind palace, the dark mind palace the dream scape. Everywhere.

Continuing, I stopped when I entered a new room. There on a platform, Wrath was facing away from me. He was typing into a giant computer which acted as the Subconscious information center. He was muttering something to himself while banging the keys on the keyboard. My hands started shaking. Right in front of me, the side that betrayed me, stole my aura, killed my friend and injured another. My hands formed into fists.

I went to take a step forwards but was pulled back by Patton. "Remember the plan" Logan reminded. "Fight him. Try to get your aura back. Me and Patton will try to shut down his programming." I nodded and turned back to Wrath. My anger was over the moon, I can't wait to beat the shit out of him.

"Wrath, you do know pressing all of the keys at once doesn't do much good." I said slyly. Wrath let out a chuckle and turned around. His yellow and purple eye was glowing brightly.

"Oh Deceit, always have been one for witty commentary, huh?" He jumped off his platform and charged at me, his fists glowing a bright yellow. I ducked and appeared behind him. When he turned back to me, I could see Patton and Logan sneak inside, slowly making their way to the platform. "Do you miss me, Dee? Is that why you came slithering back like the snake you really are!?" He came towards me again but this time, I fought back. Throwing punches into his stomach while he began hitting my face. He both slid back on the ground, panting heavily.

"I see you've learned a couple new tricks." Wrath said. I stood back up and charged at Wrath before he could get back up. I slammed my foot into his stomach, enjoying the pain filled scream he let out. He tried to suck in air but I held my hand out. He didn't express any new emotion, he just looked at my hand.

"You have two options. You can give me back my aura or I can take it!" I hissed. His eyes narrowed but he still didn't express.

"Do it. See what I care. I'll just take it back and control your mind. Just like you did to Virgil. Isn't that right?" My face dropped. How did he know about that? My sins crawled up my back, I grabbed my head and tried to ignore the thoughts swirling inside me. I can't let him get to me like this! Wrath pushed me onto my back and pressed his boot into my shoulder, making me cry out in pain. "What the matter, Deceit? Feeling Guilty?!" He rammed my shoulder further into the ground.

"You know Deceit, after Thomas' entire personality is done being rewritten, you might not be needed anymore. You might get left back here to fade away like I was!" I heard my shoulder make a pop. I yelled out in horrible pain. Wrath's foot found itself back on the ground and I grabbed my shoulder. I don't know what I was trying to do. Whether I wanted to put it back into socket or just find a different position for it.

"You seem real positive that your little plan will work!" I struggled to say. I hoisted myself into a sitting position while Wrath chuckled with a devilish grin.

"You're right. I am unusually cocky. Probably because I've planned this for over 20 years! Seeing it actually happen makes me a kid in a candy store." He peered over to me. I glared at him, still holding my shoulder. My hands were shaking and my heart was thumping heavily. "For being Deceit, you're an awful liar." Wrath continued. "You don't have to lie to me. I can see you're afraid of me. Not to mention, you're weak! I have your aura. I control Thomas now and you can't change that." Wrath slapped me, my face tingling.

I risked a glance over at Patton and Logan's process. The screen looked the same but they were both hard at work. I looked back over at Wrath. He looked slightly confused but followed my where my gaze had been. "HEY!" He shouted. Logan and Patton's heads whipped around as they gasped. Wrath's hands began to glow purple as he shot Virgil's aura at them. They both jumped off the platform, hitting the hard ground with a thud.

Logan pushed himself onto his elbows while Patton didn't move. Logan crawled over to Patton and put his head in his lap. Wrath moved closer to Logan who protected Patton. "I can't believe I fell for your excuse of a distraction." Wrath directed his words at me. He glided up onto the platform and looked over what Patton and Logan did. "I'm impressed." He said at last. "You actually almost broke my code. But sadly, my knowledge on this place trumps yours, Logan." Logan scowled while Wrath shrugged it off with a laugh.

Wrath turned to me and smiled cunningly. "Say goodbye to the Logic, Morality, and Creativity as you know them, Deceit!" My mouth hung open and scared breaths passed through it. I looked back and forth between Logan and Wrath. Without another word, Wrath hit the command button. I watched as Patton sat up straight, wide awake, gripping his head in pain. Logan did the same. They were both yelling through their gritted teeth.

I could hardly watch. I had to do something. I stood up, clutching my shoulder but running towards Wrath anyway. When I made my way onto the platform, with my good hand, I bashed his head into the console which made it spark. Wrath simply looked back at me when I let go. His eyes were lit up with anger. He grabbed my throat and threw me off the platform.

The room was spinning slightly when I opened my eyes again. I had no words. Wrath was seeing through Thomas' eyes, inputting his thoughts into Thomas' head. I, all the sudden, became so afraid. Logan, Patton, and more than likely Roman, were rendered useless. Being completely changed right in front of my eyes. I don't know what to do. I don't know what I could do. All I know is that a very deep pull of sleep is gnawing at me.

So I gave in.

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