Part 4 - Virgil

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I woke up slowly, opening my heavy eyes and looking around the room. I was still in my room and no one was in my room with me. Roman started to stay in my room a couple days after they recused me. I know Roman worries about me but, I don't want to be a burden for him.

I looked at my alarm clock. 4:30 am. Hey, I got about 4 hours of sleep. That's more than I have been getting with all of these nightmares lately. I wanted to go back to bed now, but my brain was already awake and ready to start my day. I swung my legs to the floor, standing up slowly. Letting my formerly resting bones get blood flowing through them again. I walked on my tip toes, not wanting to have a floor board creak and wake up the whole mind palace, I made it into the bathroom.

I began to remove my clothes, turning the shower's water on and towards the hot setting. I then got in and let the water run down my back. I got chills down my legs that quickly faded as the water moved to my legs. I sighed happily. It's the little things in life that bring me joy these days. I grabbed some shampoo and started to wash my hair. I closed my eyes and let my hands guide me to complete washing myself.

Even with my eyes closed, I could still kind of see the bathroom lights blaring all around. But slowly, they faded. That made me panic. It felt like my grip on reality was slipping through my fingers. Soon however, the light was gone.

I looked around, just darkness surrounded me. I felt my clothes hugging my dry body. What was this? I heard voices from behind me so I whipped my head around, seeing that they were a good distance away. I stepped closer, my curiosity dragging me there even though I much rather be anywhere else. I came to a stop when I could see there faces. Deceit and Remus. My nose scrunched up in slight confusion. Am I in the dark mind palace. They seemed like they were talking to someone, I walked around to get a better angle. I was starting to get the feeling that neither Remus nor Deceit could hear me. I began to pound my right foot on the ground but the 3 sides before me didn't bat an eye.

Now, I finally got a good view on this other person. He had makeup surrounding his eyes, making it appear as if he had two black eyes. He had two horns emerging from his temple area, they weren't very long but they faded to red at the tips. He wore a long cape and fancy dress shoes with black jeans and a red muscle t-shirt that looked as if it was originally, just a normal t-shirt. But that didn't bother me as much as the cuffs on his wrists. They were chains that attacked like handcuffs, keeping his hands close together whilst he talked with the other two.

I could see there mouths moving but I couldn't hear any words coming out. I guess if they can't hear me, I can't hear them.

Remus and Deceit nodded at what he was saying. I kept thinking to myself, why does he long so familiar? I mean, besides the fact we all look like Thomas...something else about him.

Then, my heart jumped.

The new side looked up at me, we were definitely making eye contact now. He smirked and I could fully see sharp teeth. My breathing began to quicken but the side's shoulders bobbed up and down. He was...he was laughing. Deceit and Remus turned around and they laughed too. My eyes widened as fire began to barrel towards me. My feet were moving before my brain could process anything that was happening. I ran fast. Tripping over myself a couple times but getting back up to continue my sprint.

Now matter how fast I was going, the light from the fire kept coming closer, I could feel it. My breathing was still going faster than my lungs would allow but it almost didn't matter. I crouched down onto my knees and put my hands over my head. I shut my eyes tightly until I could barely see the fire's glow, but I was feeling it. It engulfed me. This was it.

Despite this however, I still felt...awake.

My eyes shot open and I was back in my shower. The water was burning hot so with a small scream escaping me, I turned it off. The bathroom lights were still on, my body was soaking wet but my hair was rinsed of any shampoo. I noticed I was still quickly breathing so I calmed myself down by taking one big breath and letting it out slowly.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around me. I walked over to the mirror and shook my head. What the hell just happened?! It felt like my thoughts were fighting with each other, trying to figure out anything that had happened. My mind fell blank as I could hear a knock at my door. "C-Coming" I yelled out. With great speed, I ran the towel through my hair to try to dry, slung the towel back over the shower and stumbled into my room. Once I was there, I grabbed my normal patched hoodie and some jean and some underwear, putting them on quickly.

Then, I poked my head out the door, greeted by Logan. "Greetings, Virgil" he said with his usual plain expression.

"H-Hey Logan. I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't wake you up, did I?"

"Quite the opposite actually." Logan said as he gestured to the book in his hand. "I couldn't sleep so I was in the living room reading when I heard you scream." I blushed. I hardly realized I had screamed. "Care to explain why you yelped? You sounded distressed."

"O-Oh...just another nightmare, I think." I said. Logan sighed and adjusted his glasses.

"You're having those more and more often now, aren't you?" I nodded. Even standing up now apparently, I thought to myself. "What has Roman said about them?"

"He's in the dark too. There isn't a whole lot to go off of. They're pretty vague." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Maybe it's about time I stepped into help." Logan suggested.

"N-No, that's okay. You don't have to." I stammered. Logan scoffed.

"What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help? Besides, you don't deserve these nightmares keeping you from your slumbers." I smiled. I always like how Logan talked. Always careful with his words. It was like a puzzle sometimes, trying to figure out what he means. I like puzzles.

"Thank you, L-Logan."

"Of course. Meet me at my room at noon today. Bring Roman. We're getting to the bottom of this."

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