Part 22 - Roman

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The notice on the screen made my heart stop. Where was Virgil? What was happening? Is he okay? Logan started pressing buttons on Virgil's panel, trying to get some sort of answer. Patton was crying into his hands. I felt numb but so scared at the same time.

Logan suddenly removed his hands from the panel as Virgil's side went gray and our sides lit up again. Please note: Creativity, Logic, and Morality functions have been reactivated. Anxiety function is no longer active. The screen popped up with another notice. "Virgil's not active?" Logan questioned.

"What does that mean?" Patton sobbed. It sounded familiar to me. I was snapping my fingers, trying to jog my memory when it finally hit.

"That message came up when Patton was attacked!" I blurted.

"Then Virgil was bitten by Deceit." Logan said. Patton sobbed louder causing Logan to wrap his arms around him. A final message popped up onto the screen, Warning: Subconscious is being changed. We all stopped to view the notice. Logan started messing with his panel, pressing the command button but watching nothing happen. "That should've booted the side out of there." Logan stated. "Why is nothing working?"

"The Subconscious is being changed, Logan." Patton reminded him. "The Subconscious doesn't have to listen to us anymore. It'll listen to whoever's changing it."

"I have a good guess as to who is changing it." I said. Both Logan and Patton nodded in agreement. Wrath wouldn't just shut us down and then leave. That's not what he wanted to do all those years ago, it's not what he wants to do now. "The Subconscious is far from here, we should get moving." I suggested.

"We might be able to rise up there." Logan said, thinking deeply.

"But, our auras are weaker than the power the Subconscious holds. Especially now, we're at our weakest!" Patton protested. I rubbed my hands through my hair nervously. I just want Virgil back. He'd know what to do. He knows the dark mind palace better than any of us.

"True, Patton." Logan finally said. "But, the Subconscious knows it's in danger so it might not take as much energy."

"But we don't want to show up there too weak to fight!"

"Yes but, we also want to get there fast. Who knows Virgil's condition or how far Wrath is in his progress of taking over Thomas!"

"VIRGIL'S ROOM!" I shouted. The two sides looked at me confused. Frankly, I was confused too. I was very deep in thought whilst they were arguing, hearing their words but not fully paying attention.

"I'm sorry," Logan said, "But what?"

"V-Virgil was the last to get bit so his room should still have his aura in it. He shouldn't be too weak." Logan looked taken back by my statement. Patton looked back and forth between the two of us.

"Logie? Will that work?" Patton said quietly to Logan.

"It might. It'll be risky considering how his aura affects us. But I think if we did it fast enough, we could get out without getting affected." Patton clapped his hands together and hugged Logan. I beamed happily. I didn't care what it took to get to Virgil, we're getting him back.

Our feet pattered up the stairs like heavy rain. We went to Virgil's room on the balls of our feet. Ready to go. We opened the door and the room almost looked the same. The walls were a little bit paler and some of his many posters were beginning to fall but I think my plan will still work. We huddled in the room, spreading ourselves out and taking a few deep breaths, not wanting the anxiety to affect us.

"Remember, not only will taking the aura from the room to help us travel, but the room will also help us in getting to Virgil as sooner or later, it'll sense something's wrong and send help." Logan rambled. Me and Patton nodded.

"Good luck, guys." Patton hummed. With that we each closed our eyes and focused on the rooms energy.

The energy felt warm and inviting at first. Like a warm blanket during the harsh winters. I wanted it to surround me. But then, it got cold. Fast. I wanted to escape it but no matter what I did it just wanted to surround me. Smuggle me. Kill me.

I tried to scream out but my voice was mute. I was getting scared. What was this hellish feeling? I tried to close my mind off, thinking of something better. Thinking of the imagination. The fact that in there, the world bends to me. It not like a power rush, more like a wave of endless possibilities. I felt that feeling begin to surround me. I opened my eyes to see a whirlwind of red aura circling me. Looking over at Logan, he had a dark blue aura circling him and Patton had the same in light blue. I can't believe this is working. The world begins to grow as I start to sink into the floor. Logan and Patton were following suit. I closed my eyes again and felt myself get pushed through the mind palace. Going into the darkest realm of the mind felt odd. But I knew I had to go there. Virgil was in trouble and I wasn't going to sit around and wait.

That's not the type of prince I am.

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