Part 3 - Logan

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With Patton at my side, we walked out of Virgil's room, leaving Roman to watch him. My mind was buzzing with thoughts and theories about Virgil being unwell. Patton's fingers were laced in between mine, his hand was clammy. I can already tell that his "son" being sick is getting to him. I looked down to Patton. His eyes were kind of glossy and he was staring out into space. It didn't take a genius to know what he was thinking.

"Patton." I said softly, breaking his staring contest with the wall. He gave me a look. A look I've never seen him wear. He looked so lost. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he, more than likely, looked like me when Deceit struck me with Virgil's powers. My features softened and I put my hand on his cheek. I was kind of shocked when I felt his cheek was wet. "Oh, Patton."

"I-I'm sorry." He sniffed. He kept avoiding eye contact with me. He didn't like crying in front of me but it was better he cry to me than Deceit. Patton did tell me about that. While I was hurt at first, I knew how persuasive Deceit can be. Or at least, I know how hard he tries when he wants something. In this case, he took Patton's place that day. I always knew that he was hiding something, little did I know it was something as big as Deceit. "I-I'm sorry." Patton mumbled again. "I-I'm just w-worried for, Virgil." I held his hand tightly and watched him finally make eye contact with me. I rubbed the tears off his face and he giggled. I missed this. The little loves between Patton and I. Love. Seemingly, the only emotion I kind of understand.

Patton has taught me a lot ever since we started dating and I try to repay the favor. So far, he's taught me how to cook, bake, and construct both a simple yet comfortable pillow fort. I've taught him things I learned from his Morality book, helped him with his aura powers and taught him how to even spread crofters so that you're not wasting a drop of reason. 

Ever since Virgil was rescued from the dark mind palace, he's been experiencing weird things. Sudden illnesses and his nightmares which Roman has been helping with. Although I put on a brave face for all of us, I'm starting to grow more and more concerned for Virgil.

As if Patton noticed his guard was down, he began to smile. He grabbed my arm now and pulled me into his room. His smile was wider now. This still wasn't the Patton I knew and loved. Our lips came together and once they did, I didn't want it to end. When we pulled apart, I looked into his eyes again. "I love you." I said softly. "But you don't have to do this."

"D-Do what?" He questioned. 

"Put your guard up or wipe away your true feelings with a smile" I said pushing up my glasses. "Not everyone can be happy all the time. And when I say everyone, I mean you too." Patton sighed. He knew I was right. I guided Patton to his bed and once he sat down, I went over to his closet. I knew exactly what would cheer him up. 

It didn't take me long, but I found and pulled out his cat and my unicorn onesie. He smiled ear to ear, grabbing his from me and running into his closet to change. I smiled and went into his bathroom. As I started removing my shirt, something caught my eye.

It glimmered from its spot on the sink, catching my interests enough to walk towards it. I gasped once I got close enough. It was a box cutter, cleaned and exact. The blade was exposed, there wasn't a red tint on it which made me feel better. Now my mind was racing. Why was this in Patton's bathroom? Is this Virgil's? Or am I seeing this wrong? 

I put my hand on the sink, getting a sudden feeling of being lightheaded at the thought of Patton cutting. My fingers moved against the sink, making a clinking noise when my nails clashed with the marble-looking surface.

I heard a knock from the door. "Logan? Are you almost done?"

"Y-Yeah! A-Almost ready." I quickly threw on the rest of the onesie and stepped out of the bathroom. Patton looked absolutely adorable in his onesie but I could hardly think about that right now.  Patton squealed and I still looked shocked. I tried to hide it with a smile. That wasn't as successful as I thought it would be.

"What's up?" I swallowed my built up tension. Patton put his hands on his hips, "You said it yourself, don't put your feelings away, Logie. I'm here. What's on your-" Then Patton's eyes widened. "I-I swear Logan! I-It's not what it looks like!" He started crying again. I quickly ran to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry, L-Logan. It really isn't what it looks like."

"Then what is it?" I asked supportingly. He wiped his eyes, breathing slowly.

"D-Deceit tried to get me to do it." He spoke slowly, trying to not stutter his words. "I-I never did, but I never threw it away either. I-I don't know w-why I never got rid of it I just..." I hugged him even closer, his head resting on my beating heart. His breathing slowed down in time and before I knew it, he was asleep. I positioned myself differently, letting us fall back onto Patton's bed. I placed a gentle kiss on the top of his head and he smiled weakly, his features falling limp slowly after.

It wasn't easy, but I tried to get some sleep. I'll have to throw the box cutter away, but what if Virgil finds it? Or Patton? I can't say I'm surprised that Deceit would do this but for Patton to believe it?! He must've been far gone into Deceit's mind games for him to keep the box cutter. After a couple more minutes, my mind wandered into sleep as well. 

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