Part 16 - Virgil

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The credits rolled as the second movie of the day ended. I looked up at Roman, seeing his head moving closer down to his chest as if it was being pulled, his lips slightly parted for air and his breathing becoming calm and at peace. Finally, Roman was asleep.

I reached out for the remote to turn the TV off, watching the room fill up with darkness, sending chills up my spine. I looked again at Roman, still peacefully dreaming away. I smirked, leaning closer to him and kissing his cheek. While I am grateful that he wants to protect me from Wrath and the others, he's only tiring himself out. They're not after me.

They're after him.

I stood up, the couch let out a creak. I started to make my way up the stairs, stopping for a second to see how Thomas was doing. He was still contently sleeping on the floor. None of us, let alone Roman, use that ability on Thomas ever. We can all knock Thomas out like that, but depending on who does it, it effects Thomas' dreams. Right now, I could only imagine what Disney filled wonderland Thomas was dancing in. I continued my climb back up the stairs.

I opened my bedroom door. It was dark in there but I don't mind. I let my eyes adjust before being able to map out my room. Moving over to my dresser, I grabbed a yellow covered book and slipped back out of my room, shutting the door.

I felt a lump in my chest and fear bubbling in my throat. I looked around but didn't see anyone there. My eyes went wide as I rushed back down the stairs. Huffing and puffing I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, my eyes glued onto the couch. Roman was still there, sleeping peacefully. I let out a big breath. I need to keep an eye on him.

I went back upstairs, stopping in front of Logan's room. I sucked in air, letting it out slowly. I have to do this. I have to wake them up. I almost knocked on Logan's door before remembering the situation and heading inside. I left the door wide open so I could hear any sounds coming from downstairs.

My head shift over to Logan's body. He was still breathing and his face still seemed tense, even while sleeping. I sat at the foot of his bed, "Don't worry, Logan." I muttered, opening the book in my cold hands titled, Deceit. "I'll find a way to fix this."

I spent about 5 minutes of looking in the that book for anything remotely close to talking about Deceit's venom. I was checking on Roman about every 30 seconds so that wasn't helping my search either. I was beginning to get frustrated.

I flipped to a random page skimming it slightly but stopping when I thought I found something. "Deceit has venom similar to a snake and that venom can do almost anything Deceit needs it to. However, one can always go back on their words. To reverse venom affects, Deceit must wake them up himself. Another way to do it is to travel deep into the mind of Deceit's host and re-activate that personality trait. However, this method has proven to delete sides permanently if not done correctly." I almost dropped the book on the ground at that last part. I could kill off a side forever unless I get Deceit to wake them up for me?! My breathing started to quicken. I can't do that! I can't risk messing up and losing one of them forever! Thomas wouldn't be the same. They'd all hate me. Thomas would, Roman would...


My legs carried me up from Logan's bed and out of his room. I closed the door on the way out. I heard another door click and I turned my head as soon as I heard it. Roman's door moved slightly. Maybe he woke up? I was shaking. I shouldn't have left Roman alone. I know I shouldn't have, but if I had any chance on waking one of them up, I had to take it. I moved slowly and carefully towards Roman's room, my heart beating directly in my ears. I touched my damp hand to the knob of his red door and was about to open the door when I saw Roman walk out of my room in the corner of my eye.

"There you are, Virge." He said calmly. I ran into him, hugging him tightly. "Woah, it's okay. I'm fine. I'm right here." He lifted my chin to meet his face. I nodded, not being able to release my gaze from his brown eyes. I blushed as he giggled to himself.

"I-I know how we can wake the others up." I said, trying to sound hopeful. Roman's eyes lit up as he picked me up and twirled me around.

"Virgil, that's amazing! How?"

"Well, we'll have to travel into Thomas mind. Further than we've ever been. might erase Patton and Logan forever." Roman's smile dropped. He set me down and became puzzled, pondering my statement.

Finally, he grabbed my hands and looked at me, "I think if anyone could do it, we could do it." I smiled widely before we kissed. We pulled apart, both of us smiling and panting. "I think I'll go wake up Thomas. I think he should be fine while were gone." I nodded and let him travel down the stairs. I kept smiling even though he was gone. That's just the type of person Roman is. He still has a lasting effect, even after he has left the room. My heart was fluttering. I love him. I'm so glad we're going to be able to figure this out. Together.

Roman's door opened fully and I could barely process a pair of arms grabbing me and pulling me inside. The room was hardly as bright as it usually was but I didn't need to see clearly to understand what was happening. The door slammed and I was pushed into the arms of a third person. Wrath. He smiled at me, one brown eye and one half light, half dark blue eye looking into mine. I was squirming, trying to free myself but not doing so well. I saw Remus give a nod to Deceit who then shifted his appearance to look like me. I was about to scream when I hand passed over my mouth. My eyes began leaking tears. "Go!" Wrath hummed. Deceit nodded and I watched him open and close the door. Remus howled with laughter watching their plan swing into motion. I was screaming into Wrath's hand. Begging him to let me go. Wrath looked down at me again, "Cry all you want, Virgil. This is only the beginning."

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