Part 19 - Remus

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The journey into Thomas' deep subconscious wasn't as long as I thought. Perhaps Wrath's short cuts were correct. It only took us 3 days instead of 12! Deceit and I switched off dragging Virgil, who slept most of the time. Something about 'needing air' and 'being suffocated by his hoodie.' What a wimp.

I could tell we were getting closer as the parts of Thomas' mind that are usually full of color were dull and grim. Roman's part. Patton's part. Logan's part. All shut down. It made a sick smile grow on my face. I can't help it. I'm twisted by nature. Not only that, I could see Deceit's, Virgil's, Wrath's, and my part glowing brightly.

We stopped in front of the subconscious. Wrath turned back to Deceit who was holding Virgil by the hood still. Deceit shook him awake and roughly pulled him to his feet. "You will help me open Thomas' subconscious. Only together, the light sides can open it." He laughed as he said that. His red and light and dark blue eye shined as he did. Together they faced the subconscious. Virgil extended his hand which began to glow a dark purple. Wrath did the same, his hand glowing the three colors of the other light sides. The subconscious responded, glowing brightly. Wrath smirked with the power rush. "We're not done." Wrath said, moving further into the mind with the three of us at his heels.

We came to a dark and deep cliff side. We all kept our distance but Wrath took a daring step closer, looking down it and breathing in the surrounding air. "Don't you love the scent of death?" He questioned. He was looking into the pit we called, Limbo. In there, memories, personality, anything gets ripped apart and forgotten forever. He turned back to Deceit and I, glaring at us as if we were toddlers that did something wrong. "Let's proceed with the rest of the plan."

I nodded and Wrath and then at Deceit. Virgil's legs were shaking. Wrath paced back and forth, putting his hands behind him. "I'm sure you're wondering why we didn't just bite you and put you in your room like your friends, hmm? The answer is simple really." Wrath put his hands together, in front of his chest, only his fingers were touching. "Not only did we need you for our little plan but, as a human, Thomas can lose his sense of Creativity over time. He can lose his sense of Morality over time, and he can certainly lose his sense of Logic over time.  However, Anxiety always comes back around. Why this that, Virgil?" Wrath's face was pretty much touching Virgil's. He was shaking even more but calmed down as Wrath moved back, "I'll tell you why. Because, that's how DISORDERS work. They come back, even when you don't want them!" He spat at Virgil.

Virgil took small steps back, becoming smaller, curling in on himself. He backed into Deceit who grabbed him by the shoulders, his fangs exposed. Virgil was struggling to get out Deceit's grip but was proving to be too weak. "Do it!" Wrath barked. Deceit nodded and opened his mouth, sinking his fangs deep into Virgil's neck. Virgil was gasping for air but as time went on, I could tell he was fighting the pull of sleep from Deceit's venom.

Deceit let him go and he weakly fell into my hands. His eyes were closed and his body was limp. "It worked." I cheered. Wrath rolled his eyes at my childish nature, what can I say? I just love it when a plan comes together. I picked Virgil up and walked closer towards Limbo. My hands growing more shaky as I came closer. I extended my arms so Virgil was dangling over it. In a weird way, I felt bad about what I was doing. This was going to be the end for Virgil.

I suddenly felt two hand roughly push against my back, my body leaning forward, almost falling into Limbo with Virgil in my hands, but I quickly regained balance. I turned around to greet the person who tried to kill me. It almost came as no surprise to see Wrath standing angrily behind me. Deceit was looking back and forth, from Wrath to me. "What the hell was that about?" I questioned.

"Isn't it obvious? I don't need you two anymore! Virgil opened the subconscious so I can corrupt Thomas. You two are only set backs now!" Wrath barked.

"We might just be setbacks but, we're setbacks who fight back!" Deceit said, stepping over to me. Deceit held out his two fingers together and snapped his fingers. Wrath's eyes widened before getting filled with anger. He shoved me to the side and tried to push Deceit into Limbo but Deceit fought back. I set Virgil gently on the ground and stood back up, rage boiling my blood. I summoned my mace and joined the fight. Wrath wasn't fighting the both of us off very well. He backed up slowly before bumping into Virgil who was fully awake and ready to fight with us. He wiped the corner of his mouth, clearing his mouth of any lingering puke. Virgil backed Wrath up to the edge of Limbo, he was barely hanging on.

"Give it up, Wrath!" Virgil demanded. Wrath smiled with sweat pouring down his face.

"Why would I do that." Wrath pointed his fingers like a gun towards Virgil. "Bang." Wrath whispered. Virgil clutched his stomach, screaming in pain before collapsing on the ground with blood forming around him. Wrath then grabbed my shoulders and swung me into Limbo.

I couldn't believe it.

I heard Deceit yell my name as I fell further into the darkness. I could feel my very being getting ripped apart. It was a peaceful death but a scary one nonetheless. I closed my eyes and fell deeper inside, feeling everything I knew, everything I love, everything I am get ripped apart like a birthday present. What a way to die.

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