Part 10 - Logan

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Virgil finally started to stir after about 15 minutes of me sitting with Roman, trying to calm him down. It was hard enough when Virgil's body started to twitch and flinch violently. I can't imagine what's going through Roman's head right now. The amount of fear and concern with a mix of rage towards Wrath and the others. It's not a healthy mindset, but I don't think he cares right now. 

"Virgil!" Roman said, running his hands through Virgil's thin hair. "Virgil, wake up!" Roman was nervously biting his lip, almost as if he didn't think Virgil was truly about to wake up. Soon enough however, he opened his eyes and looked at me then up at Roman, eyes full of confusion and sleep. Roman's smile could barely fit his face as he wrapped Virgil in a tight hug. "I was so worried."

"M-Me t-t-too." Virgil struggled to say. When Roman let go of him though, he seemed to be in pain. I was going to comment about it but Roman didn't seem to notice and kept talking.

"What happened in there, I was so worried!" Roman said to which Virgil swallowed hard. His hands were shaking in his lap and his mouth was trying to spit out words but nothing was coming. He grabbed onto Roman's sash and began to cry. I could see his eye shadow peeling down along his rivers of tears.

Roman engulfed Virgil in another hug while Virgil continued to cry. I felt a couple of tears prick my eyes too but stood up before the other two could see. I walked back over to the control panel to investigate the damage.

My eyes widened seeing the panel fully destroyed and burnt. I pressed a couple of buttons that were lifeless. Nothing happened. The screen that displayed the dreams was completely shattered, wires coming out from the frame. This is going to take weeks to repair, I thought to myself.

I rubbed my chin with my hand, deeply thinking about the past hour and a half. Wrath has returned. Great, just great. I sighed. The last time we saw him was when Thomas entered the 3rd grade. All his temper tantrums were behind him at that point in his life. I still remember Wrath. He and Patton hated each other. And I mean it when I say, Patton hated him. They were always 'butting heads' and making each other angry. They knew how to push each other's buttons so well, it was almost scary.

"W-Who is W-W-Wrath" Virgil asked meekly, breaking me from my thoughts. I walked back over to the two other sides and kneeled next to Virgil.

"Wrath wasn't around for that long," I explained, "He faded when Thomas was 3rd grade or so we thought."

"He was mean and cruel. He knew how to get under your skin and drive you away from your friends and family." Roman added. "And that almost happened to Thomas until we were able to stop him." I nodded, remembering the event. It was the first time I've heard Patton yell at anyone.

That got me thinking.

I looked to my left and right before looking at Roman, "Where is Patton?" Roman looked around too, returning my confused look. He shrugged but turned his attention back to Virgil when he started coughing. He put his hand on Virgil's arm and Virgil yelled out in pain as a response. Roman and I exchanged looks before Roman pulled Virgil's sleeves up and we saw a dark red circular burn on his upper arm where Roman had touched. Virgil looked just as shocked as we did staring down at it.

"Virgil, what happened?" Roman questioned.

"W-Wrath," Virgil answered, crying some more. Roman huffed, anger in his throat.

"I'll go get a first aid kit," I said. Roman nodded and I stood up, I began walking back to towards the light mind palace door before I finally added, "And find Patton."

I gripped the doorknob tightly, pulling the door open and slipping inside. I shut the door behind me quietly but quickly, just wanting to find Patton and get the first aid kit. I ran downstairs to the kitchen, digging under the sink for the first aid kit. I couldn't find it and I was starting to get antsy. I ran to the guest bathroom and dug around in the medicine cabinet. I still didn't find it but I did find some pain relief pills and some cream to help the burns. I put them in my pocket and took a breath.

Now, to find Patton.

I ran to his room and knocked on his door, "Patton?" I sighed, "If you didn't come back because I scared you, I humbly apologize." I waited in a thickening silence, I pressed my ear against the door, wanting to hear anything in return but was still greeted with silence. "I-I'm coming in," I said. I twisted the knob and opened the door with a loud creak.

I was not ready for what I saw next.

Patton had dried blood running from his nose and his shirt was torn in many places. He was laying on his bed, stiff as a board, his eyes shut and his face was limp. "PATTON!" I screamed. I slid on my knees next to him. I grabbed his limp hand as tears fell down my face. "Patton..." I mumbled. I wiped my tears but they just kept coming. I put my head in my hands and cried. "Who did this to you?" I mumbled to Patton. I felt something in Patton's hands, opening his hand, and looking inside, I saw a crumpled piece of paper. I took it from his hand and read the note. It read in small, quickly written writing,


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