Part 18 - Virgil

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Deceit left about 15 minutes ago. Wrath was still holding me back, his hand covering my mouth. Remus had been punching me in the gut nonstop, waiting for Deceit's return. My throat was aching from all the screaming I did, my face was wet with tears. I felt sick. This was the end. I let myself get captured which lead to Roman, who's about going to get bitten by Deceit. This is all my fault.

I should try to be positive though. Roman is strong and knows how to fight. Even if Deceit looks like me, he should catch on, shouldn't he?

The door swung open and there stood Deceit with Roman in his arms. Wrath dropped me onto my hands and knees, skipping over to Deceit with glee. Remus was laughing at his sleeping brother. I can't believe it. Roman...lost.

Deceit put Roman flat on his bed, his pounding feet moving in my direction. He grabbed my hood as I tried to fight back. I had to get to Roman. I was too tired and weak to keep fighting, but I could tell Deceit was enjoying my efforts to try.

Wrath loomed over Roman's body, scanning him head to toe. He placed his hand above Roman's face and I had a front row seat, watching as Wrath sucked Roman's aura away. "NO! Stop!" I yelled, bursting into tears again. Deceit kicked me in the back, making me cough. Wrath turned back around, his one eye now a a mix of red along with the dark and light blue. The chains on his wrists snapped off, he rubbed his wrists before looking down at me.

"Well, well. Never thought it would come to this, eh?" He croaked making his way around Roman's room, looking at all of Roman's stuff. "Your friends thought they were rid of me all those years ago. Cast someone out into the darkness and they vanish. Well, no one stays happy forever. Everyone gets angry. Not to mention, I can't help but think that they never told you about me. You had figure out for yourself, didn't you?" He stopped in front of Roman again, glancing at him, laughing at him, then turning his head to talk to me. "Roman. The strongest and bravest of the bunch. His one weakness was his downfall." He said, pointing at me. "Then there is Logan, the brightest light bulb in the room. His knowledge could not contain his true feelings. Isn't that right?" I grew more angry as he spat out the other's names like it was nothing. "And finally, Patton. The happiest man you could ever know." He laughed to himself. "You know, I thought Patton would be the hardest to kill-"

"Stop!" I shouted. "They're not dead, stopping talking as if they are."

"You must not know what death means. It's simple. They're never coming back which means, they're dead!" Wrath screamed in my face. I felt more hot tears slide down my face. I won't believe they're dead. "Although..." Wrath continued. "You could bring them back." I looked at him, confused yet curious. "Virgil, I have a choice for you to make. You have two options." I was all ears. "One: We leave you here and let you try to wake the others up on your own whilst we go take over Thomas' mind. Or Two: You join us in taking over Thomas and we will wake up your friends."

My heart almost stopped.

He can't be serious, can he?

It can't be that simple.

But then again, what real choice do I have? I could erase one of them if I do this myself!

I took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. I tilted my head up towards Wrath who, I could tell, was waiting not so patiently for my answer.

"I will go with you." I said in one long breath. Remus was jumping up and down on the tips of his toes and Deceit hummed in approval.

"Good boy." Wrath said with a wide mouth grin. He snapped his fingers and I could feel rope tightly wrap around my wrists, along with a metal muzzle appearing on my face. It was starting to draw blood it was so tight. I let out a muffled mumble of pain, not being able to open my mouth very wide. Remus laughed at my discomfort, coming closer to me, taking his slimy finger down my face, gathering some blood on his finger. He stuck said finger to his lips, tasting my blood. I probably would have puked if my mouth wasn't being held together.

"Yum. Full of fear!" Remus cackled, stepping back.

Wrath pointed to Deceit, "Bring the lump of shit. We have a host to corrupt!" Deceit nodded and grabbed my hood, dragging out the door.

With Wrath leading and Remus and Deceit right behind him, I was getting choked more and more by my hood. I felt my face turning blue and the air was getting harder to grasp. My eyes were fluttering closed but not before I heard a door slam closed and Remus' giggling. But that was the last thing I remember.

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