Part 29 - Virgil

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It was working. Thomas was second guessing his choice to delete the channel. His moved the mouse away from the delete icon and removed his computer from his lap. I smiled to myself, watching him leave the room. I did it.

I heard a big thud from behind me. I turned around and saw Roman sprawled out on the floor. I gasped out, running by his side. I laced my hand between his limp fingers and prayed. I hope I did this right. I closed my eyes tightly to stop my tears. I felt his hand grip mine back.

I opened my eyes and saw him looking at me. A smile across his face, "Emo?" He asked, his smile even wider.

"Princey!" I exclaimed, jumping into his arms. My arms were connecting him in a massive hug. I let out a couple small sobs of joy. I pulled away and met Roman's lips with mine. It felt so good. I felt like this was my first kiss with him in years. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, baby." He said. We looked at each other again. I don't think either of us really believed we were actually looking at each other. "You have to tell me what the hell just happened." Roman laughed.

"You became predictable." I stated. Roman gasped dramatically. "I know, it wasn't a good look on you!" I teased. We both laughed again. "Wrath had given Thomas the idea to delete the channel! Thomas took the idea and almost did it, but I was able to stop him!" I said excitedly.

"I'm so proud of you!" Roman cooed. We kissed again and pulled apart when he heard the imagination's door click shut. We both stopped at stared up at the stairs. Roman stood up and summoned his sword. I stood up too, following anxiously behind the Prince. We only made it up a few steps before we saw Logan, Patton, and Deceit at the top of the stair case.

"KIDDOS!" Patton screamed as he jumped into Roman's arms. Roman's sword vanished as he caught Patton and stumbled back down the few steps we had climbed. I hopped off the stairs and watched Logan and Deceit make there way down. I hugged Deceit tightly as soon as he walked down the last step.

"I was so worried. After Wrath shot me...everything is a big blur." I pleaded.

"Hey, take it easy." Deceit said comfortingly. "You're fine." Roman put Patton down who then ran into me for a hug. Roman looked around, he was confused.

"Where's Remus?" Patton pulled away from me. He looked back and forth between Deceit, Roman, and I.

"Remus fell into Limbo." Logan hummed sadly. I gasped and Roman's shoulders dropped.

"Oh." Was all Roman said.

"What about Wrath?" I asked.

"He awaited a fate the same." Deceit said. We nodded again. We stood there in silence for a long second. No one knew what to say.

"Talk about a mood killer." Patton joked. We all laughed. Roman directed everyone towards the couch and we sat and talked for hours. Obviously, we all wanted answers as to what happened while we were all in our little comas.

Logan told Patton about his break down when he first saw Patton laying lifeless on his bed. Me and Roman told the group about the big fight between us and Logan. I told Deceit what it was like having one of my nightmares where I could see into the mind palace. Roman, Logan, and Patton were discussing how they woke up and their first thoughts.

As for me, I kept quiet. I was just happy. Happy that my family was whole again. Happy that we can all laugh about this. Happy that Thomas and all of his sides were back to normal.

And that's how it would stay.

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