Part 14 : Episode 2 - Deceit

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Logan's door slammed loudly and his footsteps were thumping all around the room. Me, Remus, and Wrath were watching Logan from the comfort of the dark mind palace, a screen with Logan's room playing in front of us. It was time to act on the next phase of our plan.

Remus was giggling happily, watching Logan slowly lose his mind as he replayed the situation in his head. Wrath quieted Remus as we continued to watch.

Logan sat at his bed, tugging violently at his hair, letting go for short breaks before tugging again. "What the hell is wrong with me?!" He yelled at himself. I smirked, A lot of things, Logan, I thought to myself. He got up a started pacing around the room. I could practically see the gears in his head cranking as his pacing grew quicker.

Finally, he planted his feet in front of his bookshelf that was held together with duct tape. He carefully grabbed a book and flipped through the pages, "Maybe some simple memory warping will make this disappear." He spoke. Wrath laughed a wicked laugh, making me and Remus jump. Neither Remus or I had to say it, we knew we were both terrified of Wrath. But what could we do about it?! He's throw us into limbo to be forgotten if we didn't cooperate.

"Memory warping! That didn't work for me, what makes him think it'll do anything for them?!" Wrath questioned, his face growing closer to the screen, "Who knew Logic could be so stupid?" He leaned back and faced me, "You're turn. Get in there, we'll be behind you shortly." I nodded to Wrath and looked at Remus.

"Good luck." Remus said. I smiled at Remus before closing my eyes, opening them soon after in Logan's bedroom. Logan wasn't looking at me, he was still nose deep into his book. I put my fingers together and slithered closer to him.

"I must say, Logic," I spat his name, making in flinch and panic as he turned around to see my wide fanged smirk. "That was devilish. What you did to Virgil and Roman."

"Shut up!" He stated back to me. "I-I didn't mean it. Any of it. I just didn't want to feel the pain of losing Patton anymore. I just wanted to shut down." He paused and sighed, "I didn't think this would happen in return." He wiped a few stray tears of his cheeks. I chuckled at little pity laugh.

"Oh Logan, sometimes that's the way the shoe fits. The question is: Is it better now this way?" I circled Logan, he's the prey.

"What do you mean?"

"I just mean, their out of your hair. They don't want to talk to you right now. Hell, they can barely stand to look at you! Think about this, Logan, all the time in the world to study and forgot about your friends." Logan squirmed uncomfortably.

"But...I like having them as friends. S-Studying isn't everything! If Thomas needs friends to survive then so do I!" He hollered, trying to cover his ears. He sunk to the ground, pulling his knees to his chest. "I just want Patton back."

I stood over him, his glossy eyes staring into mine. I smirked, "Why don't you join him?" Logan looked confused for a second but his confusion didn't last long. I extended my foot, connecting it into forehead, his head smashing back against the wall, enough to leave a crack. His eyes became unfocused, shaking his head to stop the spinning. I grabbed his collar and lifted him into the air, pushing him behind me where Remus popped up, catching him.

Logan looked shocked to see Remus' grin. He giggled, throwing Logan's head down into his desk making his temple bruised and bleeding. Finally, Remus threw Logan limply back to me. Logan was pretty much fully knocked out but I worked my magic anyway, sinking my fangs deep into his neck. He made no effort to fight back, no squirms of pain. It kind of made me sad.

Wrath appeared as I removed my fangs from his neck. I let Logan fall into Wrath arms. Wrath chuckled, scanning Logan's body. "Good work, boys." He then carried Logan's body and placed him carefully on the bed, positioning him like he did with Patton. Last but not least, Wrath placed his hand on Logan's heart with became to glow a dark blue. I watched, shaking slightly as Wrath drained Logan of his aura, the room became dull.

Wrath whipped his head around and his left eye which was previously only a light blue, was now also half dark blue. The chains on his wrists were also thinner but he couldn't break them yet. Wrath extended his hand and watched a blue hue emerge from it. "Two down, One to go." Me and Remus nodded.

However, we froze.

There was a knock at the door.

"Logan?" Came a voice.

"Roman..." Remus whispered.

"Not that I care all that much right now, but Virgil is worried about you." Wrath's eyes went wide.

"Virgil was here in a vision and you fuck faces didn't notice!" He whisper shouted at us. Even though it was just a whisper, me and Remus flinched. Wrath was the first to sink out followed by Remus but I stayed. A part of me wanting to see how this would turn out. I quickly ducked into the bathroom, not fully closing the door as I watched and listened in.

"Logan, I'm coming inside!" Roman said through the door. I heard the door open with a creaking moan but it stopped as Roman saw Logan. Roman gasped, looking back a forth between Logan and back down the hall. Fear was in his eyes as he chose to run back downstairs, "Virgil, Virgil wake up!" Roman shouted.

I stood up, letting blood flow back to my legs. Maybe I missed my chance, maybe I'll never get a chance. Maybe that was my only shot. I broke from my thoughts as I felt something grab my leg and pull my down, pulling back home.

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