Part 23 - Logan

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I rose up in the deep, dark depths of the Thomas' mind. All the logical feeling that had been surrounding me was gone. It was replaced with a cold, burning sensation in my chest. The air surrounding this part of the mind palace was thinner seeing as Thomas' Subconscious should be fully developed by now. Obviously, Wrath was giving Thomas' mind a makeover.

I opened my eyes and dropped to my hands and knees, feeling light headed after traveling this far. I breathed in long breaths, trying to return my suddenly fast breathing. A lot of things were happening really fast, I just hope we can stop this in time.

"Logan!" I heard a peppy voice yell at me. I looked up with half opened eyes. Seeing Patton rush towards me filled me with hope and love. I weakly smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and helped me up. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, my love. Just a little winded. Are you okay?" Patton blushed at my words.

"I'm fine. I was just so worried about you!" He said, pushing his face into my chest to let out a few stray sobs. My heart fluttered but I returned his crushing hug. His sobs soon slowed and he looked up at me. His brown eyes fulled of sadness. "I just want this to be over." He mumbled.

"I know, Patton. And it will be, soon." I tilted my head up and looked around. I noticed we were missing some sort of Disney prince. "W-Where's Roman?"

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I whipped my head around and Patton peered over me. Behind us stood Roman, his sword out. He was looming over a fearful Deceit who was holding himself up against Virgil's limp body.

"Oh my god." I mumbled. I grabbed Patton's hand and we both ran towards Roman. He looked ready to stab Deceit any second. Or worse. Me and Patton both stopped. I didn't realize how close the Subconscious was to Limbo. I swallowed a hard lump in my throat while Patton ran over to Roman, trying to make him lower his sword.

"You don't understand, Roman!" Deceit pleaded. He had his hand over Virgil's stomach and his yellow glove was stained with red.

"I don't need to understand! I know what you did to me and my friends! I won't let you do it again!" Roman's boot connected to Deceit face. Patton gasped as Deceit rolled back, nearly falling into Limbo.

Roman let out a shocked gasp. I followed his gaze to Virgil's stomach. There was a bullet sized hole where Deceit's hand was. He was trying to stop the bleeding. He was trying to save Virgil.

"That's what I was trying to tell you, you bastard." Deceit said, struggling to get up. Once he did, he limped back over to Virgil. I moved in closer, getting on my knees and taking a closer look. The bleeding had stopped but the wound looked pretty big. Deceit dropped to his knees and looked at me. It was then I realized, everyone was looking to me for an answer. I blushed and scrambled to find my words.

"H-He should be alright. But we should find Wrath quickly so we can get him back and I can aid him from there." Patton and Deceit nodded but Roman's hands passed through his hair as he grumbled.

"Why can't you do it now?!" He demanded.

"Ro, take it easy. Logan doesn't have the tools. We didn't know what to expect when coming here!" Patton pleaded.

"Oh, so, while we're hunting Wrath, we'll leave him here to die. Great plan, 'Logic'. He spat out. I didn't show it, but his words stung. Deceit's face scrunched up in disgust, glaring up at Roman.

"Well did YOU bring the equipment to help him?" Patton huffed. Roman opened his mouth to protest but then his face dropped. He was speechless.

"S-Sorry, Logan. I suppose Patton's right." I shrugged his words aside and picked Virgil up. The others looked surprised but I knew what I was doing. I careful passed Virgil over to Roman. Virgil's body curled into Roman's touch which, I must admit, was quite adorable.

"Take him back. There is a first aid kit in all of our bathrooms. Stitching his wound is just like stitching clothing. Go slow and be careful." Roman looked uncertain at first but quickly nodded his head in determination. He sunk down and Patton looked to me. I sighed, as much as we might need Roman for the final fight, I know how much it would kill him to know that Virgil was out here slowly dying.

I turned to Deceit, "Tell us what happened from after you bit Roman."

"W-Well, with Wrath holding your three auras, him and Virgil opened the Subconscious. After that, he demanded me to bite Virgil, which I did. The plan was to throw Virgil into Limbo..." Patton gasped and I tensed up. Deceit noticed this, "B-But, Wrath tried to push Remus in too. We both got angry so I woke you guys up which also woke Virgil up. Wrath shot Virgil, Wrath drained my aura, bit Virgil again and stole his aura."

"And Remus?" Patton asked. Deceit didn't need to say anything. When he looked over his shoulder into Limbo, we both knew what that meant. "No." Patton breathed.

"That was my breaking point." Deceit sighed. "Virgil has always been my friend and I can't just hide that factor anymore!"

"How long has Wrath been in the Subconscious?" I questioned. Deceit shrugged as we all turned our heads to face it. It was glowing brightly, all expect for Virgil and Remus' parts. I took a step forward, I've only read about this place. Being able to actually see it is like a dream come true.

Patton took his hand in mine, making me stop and look back. "Do we even have a plan?" I looked at Deceit, then back to Patton, forming a quick plan into my head.

"Deceit, you know Wrath better than we do. You'll have to be out main fighter. You know how your powers and Virgil's powers work. And if that's how he's going to fight, so be it." Deceit nodded. I looked to Patton. "You and I will have to stop the Subconscious reprogram. Who knows what Wrath wants this time but we need to stop it before Thomas' mind fully changes forever." Patton nodded. I turned back towards the Subconscious and stepped inside, feeling a wave of concern flood me.

I hope this works.

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