Perfectly Opposite~ A Behir Story

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Bela Ahuja- The only daughter of Anand Ahuja & Sakshi Ahuja...
Anand Ahuja was one of the biggest businessman in the world. Sakshi was a politicians.Her Father was killed in front of her eyes...

Character sketch

Bela Ahuja -
A strong girl, highly ambitious,who doesn't care about social norms..Her parents always treated her like a princess...She was very sweet and bubbly...But after that incident she is completely changed...She became so rude , arrogant, & talk very less,only when needed,never smiles.She never cried Infront of any one as she thinks crying is sign of weakness..

Aarav Khurana-
He is an orphan. His father was Anand's manager and best friend...He knows Bela and her family since his childhood. Bela is like a sister to him, loves her alot.He is so protective about her..He can do everything for Bela and her famiy.. As Anand took responsibility of his father's treatment. But unfortunately he could not survive. So after his death Anand brought him in their home. Sakshi and Anand treated him as their own son. Before death Anand said him to take care of Bela and Aarav promised him that he will save Bela from every obstacles and enemies...

Later Aarav brings Bela & her mom in London. Her mom is in coma after that attack...Everyone in India thinks that Sakshi is no more.. No one knows about Bela's whereabouts...As no one knows about Anand's diamond business...Aarav appointed a troup of Bodyguards for their house ,office & so on... Aarav didn't want to take any risk with Bela so he appointed a personal bodyguard for Bela, Who will live 24/7 hours with her ..Bela didn't want that but for her rother's shake she agrees...

Mahir Sehgal-
Bela's personal bodyguard..He is joyous,sweet & full of life...He can talk nonstop whole day & night.. Sometimes little flirty but very good by heart..He can not see anyone in tears..He is so passionate about his work...He is one of the best bodyguard so Aarav appointed him as Bela's personal bodyguard...

Sumitra Sehgal-
Mahir's mom,very loving and caring...

Kuhu sehgal-
Mahir's sister..She is so sweet,loving, friendly type of girl...

Sorry for so many grammatical mistakes..I hope you liked the storyline...
Story will continue with Hindi & English language..
Let me know if I should continue it or not....

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