Chapter 19: Engagement Plans and London Girls

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My first thought is this is impossible. My mom has no time to carry a relationship, she barely even comes home.

"You're lying." I whisper.

"I know I should've told you I had a boyfriend, but it just seemed like a little fling. And then soon we were madly in love and I still convinced myself it was a fling."

"Okay." I say shaking my head my mom is unbelievable.

"Honey I knew it was wrong, but you didn't tell me about your thing with James."

"Mom it's different, we're not getting married we just recently started dating.

My mom inhales then exhales.

"I'm so sorry, but this is going to be good. We're moving to a bigger house."

"Where?" I ask eagerly.

"You wouldn't know, it's by McDonalds and Dairy Queen. It's a rich neighborhood."

"That's Daniels neighborhood." I say smiling.

"Yeah that'll be good for you, having a close friend by you." My mom says smiling back.

"Mom, listen um Daniel and I are a thing now. I'm dumping James tomorrow night, when he comes over."

"So you're telling me, I let a boy you liked sleep in your room last night?" My mom asks horrified.

"Don't worry mom nothing happened." I say laughing.

"That's a relieve." My mom says.

"Not until this morning." I mumble.

My mom turns pale.

"Your beds so squeaky, and I was just in my room. Did you just do it on the floor?" My mom asks worried.

"Mom! We didn't have sex, we just made out a little bit." I say awkwardly.

"Oh my gosh I thought I was going to become a teen mom."

"Trust me, I'm not into that sex stuff."

"That's good, that's good."

"You should probably go back up there." My mom adds.


"He probably misses you, I see the way he looks at you."


"Tomorrow night?" Daniel asks smiling.

"Yep I already planned it, he's coming over we'll be watching a movie and I'll break up with him."

"Good because I can't stand another day without you."

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss Daniels lips, it's odd feeling like I can actually do this with no punishment.

"You already have me." I say resting my forehead in his.

Daniel kisses my forehead, then gets in his car and leaves.

I stand in the frosty weather and close my eyes. I could still feel Daniels soft lips on my forehead.

"Cute." Kennedy says in my driveway next to her car.

"Kennedy, when did you get here?" I ask panicked.

"A couple of minutes ago, I saw everything."

"I am so-" I start.

"No, you're not. You probably feel like the happiest girl in the world right now, a feeling I wish I had."

"Kennedy I truly am sorry, I just, I really like him."

"Of course you do. When your life was already perfect, you had to go steal my crush."

"I didn't like James at all!"


"He's a mask! A damn mask, I dated him to get over Daniel, but that never happened. I'm sorry, okay I'm sorry. Because I know I'm a horrible person, but that's what love does to you, it makes you do crazy things."

"How many times did you watch The Fault in Our Stars today?" Kennedy asks sarcastically.

"Okay I'm done being nice. Just leave okay, let me be happy for once."

"For once." Kennedy scoffs.

"Yeah for once, James never made me happy. He took me on adventures when I just wanted to watch movies in a basement and cuddle, I did things that didn't make me happy. And if you couldn't see that, then you're not my true friend."

"Bitch." Kennedy says getting in her car.

I wave as she pulls out my driveway speedily. I blow her a kiss just as she flips me off.


Okay, Spider-Man 2 and pizza. That's a good last date with James. I think to myself.

I put the pizza on the table in my basement just as the doorbell rings.

"Honey James is here!" My mom yells.

I go upstairs eagerly to see a happy James.

"Hey babe." He says smiling kissing my cheek.

"Hi." I mumble.

"Are you okay?" James asks warily.

"I'm fine, lets go watch the movie." I say smiling weakly.

"Fine by me." He says taking hold of my hand.


At first I sit a little bit away from James, but he soon pulls me close to him so my head is on his chest

Close to the end of the movie James tries to kiss me.

As he places his lips on my neck, I feel very uncomfortable.

"James." I say pushing him away slightly.


"This isn't working." I whisper.

"What's not working?" He asks slowly.


James stays quiet for a bit, biting his lower lip.

"You're kidding right?" He finally replies.

"No, James after the incident I've just been thinking of everything."

"Jenna, this isn't about the incident, it's about Daniel. You're still in love with him."

"No James this is about you and I."

"You wouldn't be mad about an accident."

"James, I think it's best if you just leave." I say quietly.

"Fine, but I know it's about Daniel. And it's not over between him and I, he'll regret stealing my girl." James says then storms out.


Daniel and I walk into school holding hands, I'm trying to not kiss him. Mainly because I have an awful cough, but also because I don't know if Natalie is still possessive about Daniel.

We walk into 1st hour English breaking our contact. I turn in my homework then sit in my seat with Daniel in the back.

My grades were improving incredibly, and mostly because Daniel has made an impact on me the past months.

The 1st hour goes by fast. Daniel walks with my out of class, he insists on holding my hand even though other people were around.

As I put my books in my locker a voice shrieks. She's a tall girl with curly Auburn hair that went right above her hip.

"Daniel!" She yells, her accent is British.

She runs and jumps into his arms, and he hugs her back looking just as happy as this model like girl.

Great right when things were going perfect, a new prettier girl came into my life.

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