Chapter 12: Protective Older Brothers and Confessions

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I wake up with my head on Daniels chest, I feel it gently rise every time he breathed in or out. I give myself five minutes to lay there happy. And this was it, we would never have anything again. I didn't want to have anything with him anymore, he's been a total dick to me. But then he seemed nice, and I couldn't help fall for him. But this was it.

Daniel had his arms wrapped around me almost protectively. I just close my eyes laying on Daniels chest, letting this sink in. His heart beat slowly, and it calmed me. I hope Daniel doesn't tell Natalie about this, he couldn't it would ruin me. Nervous anxiety takes over me.

The five minutes were soon over, I slip out of Daniels arms and head to his bathroom.

I turn the shower on, slip my clothes off, then I hop in the warm water. I stand in the shower just leaning my head against the tiled walls. I pray that what happened last name was just a dream.
"Dammit." I say peeking my head out of the bathroom door.

I didn't have any clothes besides the ones from yesterday that were still wet.

Thankfully Daniel was not in the room anymore. I tighten my grip on my towel and then I make a dash towards his closet. I quickly close the door after I step in. I find a pair of Daniels sweats and a sweatshirt. I slip them on eagerly so I can get out of Daniels house quickly.

I open the door to leave and I run into someone. I look up to find Daniel looking down at me confused.

"Hey." he says quietly, he seems to lost all confident after last night.

"Hi, I'm gonna go now." I say avoiding eye contact.

As hot as Daniels husky morning voice sounded, I knew I had to get out.

"I'll drive you."

"Do you really thinks that's best?"

Daniel sighs and looks me in the eyes.

"We're still friends right?" He asks smiling weakly.

"Of course."

"Then I should be able to take you home."

I sigh and walk out of his room to my car.

The cold weather hit me when I get outside. I pull up my sweatshirt sleeves a little. I would usually expect Daniel to make a funny flirty joke, but he didn't he just got in my truck like a robot.

I jump in the front seat and I turn the heat up. Then I put my wet hair into a messy bun.

We rode to my house in silence I snuck glances of Daniel, he looked almost sad, a sad that hurt you when you looked at the person. It hurt me so much, I couldn't look at him. I look out the window, and watch as we pass back empty fields and factories.

When we get to my house, I notice a familiar car in the driveway, and a familiar person standing next to it.

I almost shriek as I get out of my truck. I go into hug my brother, but he walks past me looking angry into Daniels way.

I was too confused to know what was happening, but when I see Jonathan punch Daniel, I knew it wasn't good.

"Jonathan! What the hell?" I ask rushing up to stop him.

"You slept at his house! You fucking had sex with this bastard! I came home last night and you were nowhere to be found, and now I come home to find you slept with a bleach blonde idiot?!" Jonathan asks furiously.

"Whoa first of all, I didn't sleep with her and my hairs naturally blonde." Daniel says standing up holding his bloody nose.

"And a British boy? Wow so original of you. I would think you would be a little creative with your choices."

"John he's just my friend! He has a damn girlfriend, calm down." I say.

"Like I'm gonna believe that."

"I'll call her." Daniel says.

"No, that's not a good idea." I say thinking of Natalie and the picture.

"Jenna, I really prefer not to get punched in the face again. What's the big deal?"

"I just, um, she told me she was with her family all today and she doesn't want to be bothered. Especially with drama like this."

Daniel stares at me silently, then shrugs his shoulders.

"That doesn't give me any prove!" Jonathan says almost pouting.

"John, we didn't do anything last night. We are nothing, we never will be, he's my best friend."

I say Daniel flinch at these words but he quickly composes himself.


"Jonathan trust me, I would tell you, you're my brother."

Jonathon just shakes his head.

"Go get him cleaned up."

"Thank you." I say rolling my eyes.

I lead Daniel to the kitchen.

"Just give me tissue and I'll be fine." Daniel mumbles holding his bloody nose.

"No you're bleeding like crazy." I say getting a wet wash cloth.

I go over and put it on his nose. We both stand here for a bit. I held the cloth to Daniels nose firmly.

"You've got a really nice kitchen." Daniel finally says breaking the awkward tension.

"I've been told." I say winking.

"You're so seductive."

"I've also been told."

"Stop it Jenna Smith you're killing me with your awful puns."

"Oh you love them."

"Sure, I think we're done here."

I nod then take off the cloth from Daniels nose, I throw it in the laundry room.

"So um I should probably go." Daniel says walking towards the door.

"Bye." I say sadly, I wanted him to stay more than anything.

He waves over his shoulder as he walks out my front door.

Soon after Jonathan enters the front door.

"So someone didn't tell me they were coming." I say crossing my arms.

"Oh shut up and hug me you loser."

I smile and give my brother a hug. His appearance had changed. When he went away to college he had dark hair that went right above his eyebrows, now he had it cut shorter and spiked up. He also seemed much taller.

"Yeah I was surprising you and mom."

"Next time don't surprise us."

"I've learned. Let's talk about you and Dave."

"Daniel?" I ask confused.


"Um what do you want to talk about."

"So if you guys aren't dating, what are you. Friends, exes, what?"

"Just friends, he's new to Jefferson City.

"Oh I see. But you like him right?" John asks.

I sit silent for a little then I inhale slowly.

"Sadly yes."

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