Chapter 33: Meeting the Family

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"Would you two like any beverages?" The airline lady asks sweetly pursing her bright ruby lips together.

"A coke for me please." I say sweetly.

"I'd like a vodka." Chase says leaning across me.

"Sir you don't look 21." The lady says nervously.

"I am." Chase says fishing something out of his pocket. He pulls out his I.D. and shows the lady.

"Alright." The lady says then walks towards the next row.

Our flight had just started, but Brooke and Nicole are already sleeping. My mom said it was fine if Nicole came, she loves weddings and wanted to see our hometown.

"Really a fake I.D.?" I ask glaring at Chase.

"I don't use it much, and I'm kind of nervous to meet your mom, and your ex-boyfriend." He says looking a little nervous.

"That's tomorrow."

I take his hand in my and smile at him.

"My mom already loves you and Daniel doesn't have to. Just there's one thing."

"What is it?"

"Just let me have a moment with Daniel to talk, you can meet him after that, but I just need a moment with just him." I say smiling slightly.

Chase looks a little hurt by this, taken back. He shakes it off quickly though, he's probably asuming I didn't see it.

"Of course." Chase says kissing my hand.

"A vodka, and coke." The airline attendant says giving us our drinks.

"Thank you." I smile up at her.

"No problem." She says then leans down to me, "he's 21 right?" she whispers.

"Yes, he looks a little young for his age." I laugh lightly.



"My baby girl!" My mom says hugging me. I find it hard to breathe trapped in her arms, I struggle for breath while trying to free myself.

"Sorry, sorry. Where's Chase?" My mom asks anxiously in the driveway.

"Over there." I say pointing to him as he gets my bag out of Brooke's car.

"Chase!" My mom shouts to him.

Chase smiles as he walks up with one of my suitcases, and his in his other hand.

"Hi." Chase says sticking out his hand, but my mom pulls him into an embrace.

"He's hot." My mom mouths to me. I laugh as she pulls away smiling.

"It's so nice to meet you." My mom says calming down a bit.

"You too Ms. Smith."

"Is Brooke leaving so soon?" My mom asks.

"Yeah she, her mom, and her roomate are heading back to their house."

"Is her mom okay with staying in California this whole break?"

"Totally she loves Cali!" I lie.

"Go put your guys' stuff upstairs then come back down to say to your family! Oh and your coming to my bachlorette party tonight!" My mom says excidetly. Our whole family's staying with us, with the deduction of our grandparents, because they're uh, dead.

I lead Chase through my small house, this is the last night I'm staying it in, then I'll be in some big mansion close to Daniel.

"It's small, but it's my home." I say opening the door to my room.

I have to use every bone in my body not to jump on my bed. The twin bed is made perfectly with it's flowerly covers pulled up high on the bed, they're usually kicked to the end of my bed.

Chase runs his hands on the pink comforter.

"I wonder how many boys have been in this bed." Chase smirks.

"One, if you don't count the sex part."

"Oh right I forgot you're a virgin." Chase almost says sadly.

"Stop trying to convince me to have sex with you." I laugh.

Chase laughs and kisses my lips his tongue enters my mouth and I immediately know he wants something.

"You really are." I pull away.

"No, well, kind of. I just don't know what you want to do. If you're willing to do it I'm okay with it, well like most teenage boys. But if you aren't I'll totally understand."

"I haven't thought about sex, I just really haven't found anyone special enough. You're special but we haven't been dating long." I whisper.

"You can think about it." Chase says smiling sweetly.

"If I tell you something, will you promise not to laugh?"

"Of course." Chase says taking my hands in his.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Chase laughs.

"I'm afraid." I say after awhile.

"Jenna, I was afraid too, this is normal."

"I don't know if I'm ready yet." I say biting my lower lip.

"That's fine, I don't care if you never have sex. I just want you to be mine." Chase smiles, but I know he's lying, every boy wants sex.

I kiss Chase's cheek and smile.

"Come meet the family." I say leading Chase down the stairs.

Soon he's hugging my aunts and uncles, and my cousins.  My cousin about my age looks at Chase in delight.

"He's perfect." Alexis says crossing her arms.

"Nope just hot." I laugh uncomfortably.  Alexis and I have never been close, she lives in Virgina and doesn't like to get involved in our family, it's too complicated for her.

"No, like he's perfectly comfortable with our family, like they're his too.  He looks at you with love, it's this unexplainable love.  I don't know what kind it is, unconditional, temporarily, or just for fun.  But it's something special, anybody with eyes could see it."

I look at Alexis, my expression must have been shocked because she laughs.

"I know, I know.  That was cheesy, but it's true." 

"I don't know how to respond." I simply say then walk away.  I truly don't, Chase is amazing, but is that what I want?  Of course, he is perfect, like Alexis said.

I'm just beyond confused, almost to the point where it's bothering me.  

I walk over to Chase, he's observing my aunt and uncle argue.  He wears an amused look on his face as he watches the couple fight about cheese.

I wrap my arms around his strong neck, it's warm and comforting.  He wraps his arms around my wait automatically.

"You alright?" He whispers in my ear.

"I'm just thankful for you." I mumble into his shoulder.

Even though we're in public, Chase kisses my neck.

I giggle.  Tomorrow will be the day where either everyone's happy and joyful, or sad and mourning over love.

I wish with all the bones in my body, all the stars in the universe, and all the thoughts in people's minds that tomorrow will be delightful.


Author's Notes: This is a really crappy update, but I've been working on my new book lately.  Feel free to read it, it's called We Prefer Simple.  It's a romance, but other than that it's much different from this book.

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