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Yang Jeongin:

As Felix and I made our way downstairs together, we noticed dad sitting on the couch watching tv alone. Mom must have left for work earlier than usual. She usually drives us to school, and leaves directly for work afterwards, leaving dad home to take care of the house.

"What's up little shits," he laughed, taking a sip of whatever he was drinking.

I rolled my eyes.

"We're gonna need a ride to school," Felix told him, and he groaned in response.

"Okay, but we're leaving now."

My eyes widened, realizing we don't have time to eat.

"But we still need to have breakfast!" I complained. He groaned again.

"Well, you guys could walk." Dad suggested, which made Felix sigh. It's like a thirty minute walk from here, and a five minute drive. It's obvious what one we would take.

"Fine, let us grab our bags and then we'll leave."

Felix had a smirk on his face, and it looked like he was up to no good. I gave him a look.

"What are you up to?" I questioned. He couldn't hide a laugh.

"Last night I went out and bought a stink bomb, set it off and put it in his car trunk. So the next time he got in, it would smell like shit." Felix whispered to me.

Now, he was laughing his ass off. I was shocked, and he kept continuing.

"I guess we'll get to experience his reaction!"

I hit Felix's arm. "You dumbshit! You're gonna get yourself killed."

Felix shrugged. "Worth it."


After dad screaming at Felix the whole ride to school, and all of us suffering because of the smell, we finally arrived at the drop off lane.

"You guys can walk home if you're mother isn't home from work yet. My show is on later."

We sighed together before getting out. We didn't dare argue back, knowing he would tell mom if we did. Neither of us waved goodbye, and he didn't acknowledge us in any way either.

"Jokes on him, I have football practice after school." I told Felix, as we started walking away from the car.

"And Jeongin," Dad said. I turned and looked back. "I love your outfit."

Then he rolled up the window, and began to drive away.

I sighed. "Yeah, I wish I could say the same."

Felix frowned. He put his arm around me as we walked into school.


At lunch, I sat down with my friends.

They're all so different, and its funny. But like they say: opposites attract.

Felix is obviously the daredevil/dumbass. Always causing trouble and being his dumb self. But he's happy that way, and that's all I want.

Then there is Minho and Jisung. They're the smartasses. Literally. They get straight A+'s, And always compete with each other for the first place on the high honors board. Their whole world is based off science. Everything in life is explained by it.

Chan is like the mother of our group. He looks out for all of us and make sure we're okay. I have to be extra secretive around him, because he can sense when anything is wrong or going on.

And then there is Hyunjin and Changbin. They are the typical boys, who just try to enjoy themselves and have fun in life. I wish I was as loose as them and not so uptight, but it's my dads fault I'm like that.

"So, if a bar of soap falls on the floor, is the floor clean or the soap dirty?" Hyunjin asked. That got Minho and Jisung's wheels turning in their brain, while the rest of laughed at the dumb question.

Debates like this are always started because of some dumb, unexplainable question made by one of us. At least, we thought they weren't unexplainable.

"The floor is obviously clean!" Jisung said after thinking for a few seconds.

"Um no, the soap is dirty," Minho corrected with confidence.

We all observed the showdown that was about to go down.

"If CLEAN soap falls on the floor, the cleanness of the soap will wash the floor. Boom!" Jisung explained, proud.

Minho scoffed. "Well, if the floor is dirty, the dirtiness of the floor will rub on the soap, making the soap unable to clean the floor because the soap is then dirty."

Jisung huffed, knowing he has been defeated.

"So, shut your 3.14 hole and eat your lunch," Minho finished off, which shut Jisung up.

"What's a 3.14 hole?" Changbin asked confused. I laughed a little bit.

Minho and Jisung looked at him like he is an idiot.

"3.14! The first three numbers of pi, ring a bell?" Jisung explained, trying to hold back a laugh as well. Out of the two, Jisung was definitely more playful than Minho.

"Pi? Like the food?" Felix then joined in. I'm pretty sure Felix knows this, and is just trying to make Changbin feel better about not knowing. Those two are really close friends.

"It was a joke, Changbin. Don't dwell on it." I told to him.

I love my friends, if only they really knew what was going through my mind.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a voice I didn't recognize. It was slightly nasally and sounded innocent.

"Is this seat taken?"

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