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Lee Felix:

All I felt was fury. I was pissed. Genuinely pissed. And that doesn't happen to me often.

This asshole touched the person I love the most. He's my brother. Step brothers really, but fuck the 'step', he's my brother. And nobody lays a hand on my brother.

I stormed down stairs. Dad was just sitting at the counter drinking who knows what, like nothing even happened. How can he act like he didn't just punch Jeongin in the face?

My body was ahead of my mind. Before I realized, I took the bottle out of his hands and smashed it over his back. To my luck, it was empty. To his luck, he has lots of muscle so it probably just felt like a poke.

The broken glass laid on the ground. Dad got up and shoved me, but I didn't fall.

"What is your problem!" He yelled, face becoming red with anger.

"How dare you hit Jeongin!" I picked a piece of glass off the floor and threw it at him. But, he caught it effortlessly, not even getting scratched.

"He fucking deserved it," he said, coming to me and ran the piece of glass down my arm. I had a tee shirt on, so the glass touched my bare skin. Even though it wasn't that sharp, it still hurt like hell.

"Ouch!" I yelled, not wanting to look at my probably bleeding arm. "You're sick!"

Dad didn't react, but he heard his phone go off. He looked at it.

"Its a text from your mom, she's going to be home in ten minutes," he told, "help me clean up and don't say a word to your mom, or I'll make sure you never see the light of day again."

I huffed. I washed the first layer of blood off my arm and then helped dad clean up the glass. My arm still bled when he made me go upstairs.

I opened the door and saw Jeongin lightly crying on his bed. He just sat there rubbing his head.

"What happened to your arm!" Jeongin yelled when he saw the long scratch and blood.

"Glass," is all I answered. Jeongin grabbed a tissue and cleaned off my arm, then we went to the bathroom and bandaid it. I put on a long sleeve to cover it all up.


Yang Jeongin:

Felix was in his own room sleeping when mom finally came home. She arrived home from work around 11:00 at night, and at this time everyone was supposed to be sleeping.

But I wasn't.

I laid down in my bed wide awake. I can't sleep despite how dark it is and how tired I am.

Too many thoughts ran through my mind. It was one, really bad day. And it was causing me to stay awake.

I heard the moment my mom come home. She put her keys down and then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

Her and dads room is downstairs.

Shortly after, she came into my room. She didn't look mad, disgusted or even phased for that matter. She just looked like my mom.

I sat up in my bed.

"I knew you would be awake," she said, worry in her voice. She shut the door and walked over to my bed, then sat right next to me.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie," she whispered to me and gave me a hug. All my nerves left my body then. I didn't realize how much I needed my mom right now, until now.

"You're not mad?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Of course not, Innie," Mom said assuringly. "It must have been a long day for you."

I nodded. "You have no idea."

It was too dark for her to see my black eye.

"I feel terrible. How could I have not realized?" She mumbled. I kissed my moms cheek.

"It's all okay, mom. Really."

She sighed. "I love you, Jeongin. Please don't change, or even hide yourself anymore. I know this isn't you."

"Really?" I asked. I'm still in shock she didn't react like dad did. "How?"

She looked me in the eyes. "For the last few years it was almost like I could feel you holding your breath. I knew you were hiding something from us, I just couldn't pinpoint what."

I looked away, feeling embarrassed.

"You should get rest," she softly spoke, getting up. "You have that game tomorrow."

I nodded. I slid back down in a laying position.

Mom kisses my forehead. "Goodnight, you brave kid. I always love you."

I smiled. "I love you too, mom."

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