T W E N T Y - E I G H T (e n d)

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Yang Jeongin:

I sat on the top bunk of the new bunkbed in my room, just reading a book. The lights were dimmed enough so I can still see the pages, but also have some dark feeling of the room.

I was alone because Felix was out with Changbin again, hopefully not causing trouble. But I can never know with him.

I was on page 167 when I heard a knock. I assumed it was from my door, but then I turned my head to the left and noticed a boy at my bedroom window. My room is on the second floor, but there is a tree right by my window that you can easily climb up and down.

When I took a closer look, I noticed it was Seungmin at the window. My heart fluttered seeing him there.

Since the window was unlocked, I motioned my hands up as a way of telling him to slide the window up. He did, and soon he was in my bedroom.

He climbed up the bunkbed latter and I moved over a bit so he can sit next to me. We sat with our backs to the headboard, and since the bed was a twin sized bed - which is pretty small -, our shoulders were touching.

"What're you doing here?" I asked my boyfriend politely. It wasn't that I didn't want him here, I was just curious.

"I just wanted to know how you were doing. It's been a rough couple of weeks for you."

He was right, it has. He knows about my dad incident, which is why he didn't question the new shirt I wore to school the other day.

"I'm okay now. Things are getting better," I smiled at him, and he returned it. Seungmin grabbed my hand that was closest to his and interlocked our fingers, and I rested my head on his shoulder. Seungmin can really make me feel relaxed and at ease.

"Thanks for being there for me, Seungmin. You helped a lot during the worst times even when we hardly knew each other, and you were instantly able to sense what was wrong. Just thank you for caring, thank you for everything," I randomly said. I could feel Seungmin's heart pick up, and it was really cute.

"You're welcome, Innie. I would never let someone hang like that, when it's clear they are struggling."

"Hey Jeongin," Seungmin then whispered. I could see out of the corner of my eye that his head was facing me, but I kept staring straight ahead of me.


"I love you."

I finally turned my head to face him, and we locked eyes.

"I love you too, Seungmin." I have never said that out loud, and it felt so good to be spoken.

Then we leaned in and kissed, and when our lips touched I felt fireworks going off in my heart.

Seungmin cupped my face with his hands as we kissed, and after a few seconds we pulled apart. We turned our heads to face forward again, and then just started talking about anything that came to our minds.

I liked this. Just the two of us resting with each other in a romantically dimmed room, enjoying each other's company. This is what I've longed for in a relationship, and it's finally mine.

I have so much more to thank Seungmin for. He's showed me that everything in life happens for a reason, and this is mine. They years of struggling, finally leading up to this. Enjoying myself with my boyfriend. And I'm happy.

Seungmin taught me that the right people will love the real me, and I shouldn't have to hide myself from the world. He's helped me gradually grow my confidence and that I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am. It might take time, but we have to start somewhere, right?

Thanks to Seungmin, I'm slowly starting to love myself. I may not be perfect, and I may not be happy with who I am sometimes. But, nobody is perfect, and I'm starting to accept that.

With me growing as a person everyday, I become more happy. I don't feel the need to hurt myself for who I am anymore, and I don't feel like I should hide myself.

Because, I'm changing as a person everyday. Fully loving yourself is a difficult process, and there will definitely be bumps along the way. Life isn't easy, obviously. But darkness needs to happen before a light can shine.

And I can't wait to see who I become.


The end!
The final A/N is up!

This was,

Half Hidden!

STARTED: August 24th, 2019
COMPLETED: October 9th, 2019

Half Hidden // SeunginWhere stories live. Discover now