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Yang Jeongin:

"Ugh! I hate everything!" I yelled, walking into my room and slamming the door shut. I threw my backpack on the floor, making a thud.

"Hey, what's up?" Felix asked, looking up from his phone. As usual, he was in my room alone. But this time, instead of doing homework at my desk, he was sitting on my bed with his phone. This isn't a shock anymore, my room is basically his safe place.

"I got asked out, again!" I complained, huffing and plopping across from him on the bed.

"Oh no...I'm sorry Innie, who is it this time?"

"Dahyun," I answered frustrated. "If she were anyone else, I would have said no. But I couldn't turn her down, she's just too sweet and innocent!"

Felix bit his lip and looked away from me, afraid to see my upset face. This always happens, and it makes me feel bad. I don't want to burden him with my problems, but he is.... all I have.

"Dahyun? Oh no, she's too fragile. If you break up with her, everyone will hate you."

"I know!"

I was panicking. I've never liked someone as much as I like Seungmin, and now I need to be guilt ridden by that and go out with Dahyun. How am I gonna be able to do that?

Not to mention school is kicking ass right now.

My emotions are all over the place. I can't handle this, I just can't. What am I gonna do?

"What am I going to do, Felix?" I asked, becoming quiet. "It's too much!"

Felix pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back. We held it for a bit, and then we let each other go.

"I have an idea," he said with a smirk on his face. "You may not be able to break up with Dahyun, but she can break up with you." 

I have him a look, clearly confused.

"Okay, I mean you can do something to make her want to dump you," he explained. I understood.

I shook my head, "But I don't want to seem like a total ass."

"Maybe I can tell her something-"

"No, the only way to get her to break up with me is for me to do something bad, and that's not the reputation I want. I'd rather let her down easy then give myself any more of a false reputation then I already have."

Felix processed what I said, and nodded sadly. "Or you can just be honest with her."

I gave him a blank expression. Is he serious?

"I mean, you might as well give a solid reason why you're breaking up with her."

I shook my head again. "Nope! No way, I'll just go on the date and end it next week."

Felix sighed, getting up off my bed.

"Okay, you're right. It's your life not mine. Good luck, mate," he told, patting my shoulder. Then he walked out of my room, probably into his own to get some sleep.

How am I going to get out of this? Ugh, I hate being such a pushover.

I started to get anxious, so I pushed the issue off to the side and got into bed. I'll just sleep this off for now.

It's late anyway.

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