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Yang Jeongin:

After a long football practice, full of a screaming coach, lots of hits to the floor and sweaty boys, I finally arrived home.

I walked into the house to get greeted by my mom, who was making dinner. Dad was 'helping', but it was like he didn't even know that I was in the room. He said nothing to me, so of course I said nothing to him.

After we chatted for a little bit, I opened my bedroom door and walked in. I got surprised by Felix, who was sitting at my desk chair.

He's always in my room, which I don't mind. He has his own room, but he doesn't like it because it's lonely, and he hates being alone. When he's in here, it feels like he's with me because of all my stuff, so he hangs out in my room. It's sweet.

Felix was doing his homework at my desk, and when I walked in he turned the rolly chair to look at me. He gave me the cheekiest smirk, and I already knew what this was about.

"Don't even-"

"You like Seungmin, don't you!" He yelled loudly, before I even got the chance to walk all the way in the room.

Sudden panic filled my body because the door wasn't shut when he yelled that. I quickly slammed the door, and relaxed bit.

I leaned my back against the door, and I gave Felix a look. "Do you mind not yelling that so the world can hear?"

Felix then got up from the chair and walked toward me, hitting my arm playfully.

"Don't avoid the question!" He smiled, "you likeee him!"

I pushed him away, feeling very embarrassed. "Fine okay! I do, no need to rub it in my face."

"This is big! It's the first time you've liked someone since 7th grade!" Felix teased.

Suddenly, I felt scared. He's right, it's the first time I've actually had a crush since then. And I don't want to know where this is gonna go.

"What do I do? It's just another secret I have to keep," I frowned, "I just need to get over him before it takes me down."

Felix's smile faded away when he heard me say that. And that hurt, because he's so supportive and just wants the best from me.

"Maybe, you need to open up to him. Give Seungmin a chance. He could be the one, Jeongin," Felix suggested.

I took a breath and let it out, feeling anxious about this whole thing.

My gut is telling me to just try and get over him, but Felix says I should give him a chance. How could I do that? How could I possibly give another boy a chance when I can't even give myself a chance?

It's all just too much.

"I'm sorry, Felix, but no. I can't. I'm just going to get over him, and that's that."

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