T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Dad finally moved all his stuff out of our house, and I've never felt better! I never have to see that asshole ever again. And most importantly, I'll never have to be put down by him again.

The kids at school though, are another story.

I still get backlash from everyone because of the blog post. Because all my friends, including Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and their friends, reported the post, it's been taken down. But that doesn't change the fact people have screen shots, they've seen it, talked about it, etc. It's stuck with me forever.

Even though my school life isn't perfect, it's not as bad anymore. I finally quit the football team, and tried out for the B-naturals, which is a special singing group at school. I hear Seungmin tried out as well.

Speaking of Seungmin, at school he keeps sneaking ways to show everyone we are dating. We could be walking to class together, and if someone looks at us weirdly he will grab my hand and wink at the person. Or, sometimes he will kiss my cheek.

I have to admit, I love it. I wish I had his confidence. His bravery is one of the many things I adore about him.

His personality is just as amazing as everything else about him. His smile, they way he genuinely cares for me, the way he scrunches his face when he does his locker combination. It's the little things that make my heart go woosh.

The two of us were walking - hand in hand - to class, when Mingyu stopped us.

"You losers are so gross," he said with a annoyed face.

"Hm, did we ask, tree?" Seungmin replied, gripping my hand tighter. Even though Mingyu couldn't see the gesture, it made me feel better.

Mingyu walked away from us, and when he was gone Seungmin laughed. "You think he hit his head too hard when walking through doors?"

That made me chuckle. The boy is really tall, so sometimes he hits his head on the door frames.


I heard Seungmin sigh happily, and he kissed my cheek while we walked. He is such a romantic, and I love it.

I love him.


When I got home, mom had some surprises for me and Felix.

"I wanna apologize to you boys for everything that has happened the past few...I don't know, weeks?"

"Months," I corrected.

"Well firstly, Felix, I don't know if you know, but your father wanted to send you to military school," she started off saying. I could see Felix's face drop. We completely forgot about that.

"Oh, um, yeah I know."

"Despite what I may have said, I want you to know I was never going to send you there. You have a good heart, you just need to learn to control yourself, okay? I don't want to punish you from pranking, because you love that and have no intentions to hurt anyone. Just know when you're crossing the line."

Felix smiled so widely.

"And Jeongin," mom said, handing me a bag, "open that."

I opened the bag and pulled out a shirt. It was a rainbow tie dyed teeshirt that says 'love yourself' on it. It was beautiful.

"I love it!" I yelled happily. I know what I'm wearing to school tomorrow!

"Lastly," mom said, "go up to Jeongin's room, both of you. I set something up while you boys were at school. I've had it planned for awhile now."

Felix and I looked at each other and shrugged, and walked upstairs with mom behind us.

My room door was shut, which I never do while I'm at school. I opened it slowly, and right where my bed used to be, there was a new bunkbed.

We already knew what this was about.

"Felix, honey, did you think I didn't know about you not liking to be alone?" She asked, and Felix's face went red.

"Thanks, mom."

It seriously feels like a crushing weight on my shoulders have been lifted. There's no more secrets, and almost no more suffering.

It appears things are finally looking up.


The next chapter is the last one, oh my 🥺

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