T W E N T Y - S I X

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Yang Jeongin:

Mom almost never comes home from work early. Why she did today, I don't know, but I'm so glad she did.

"Get your hands off him!" Mom yelled, even though I was already on the floor and out of his grip.

She ran over to Felix and I on the floor and pulled us into hugs. It wasn't till we pulled apart she noticed how hurt we are.

"Felix! Your arm, oh my god- Jeongin! Your eye!" Moms voice cracked and it really sounded like she was going to cry. I have never seen mom cry before, and I don't want to see it happen. I'm sure it'll break my heart.

"We're okay, mom, really," Felix tried to convince, but mom wasn't having it.

"Did he do this to you guys, no wait he definitely did. But why?"

"Because I'm...gay," I spoke, getting choked up. I hated saying it, because I've learned that a lot of people aren't fond of it, fond of me.

"You hurt him because he's gay?" Mom asked, looking up to dad who stood annoyed. He nodded his head without a doubt. "Of course, it's disgusting."

I flinched hearing that, and Felix rubbed my back.

"And you?" Mom asked looking to Felix.

"Because I tried to protect him."

Mom frowned. "You're a good stepbrother, Lix."

"No," I interrupted, "hes a good brother."

Felix smiled widely at me, and I returned that with a smaller, but still happy, smile.

Mom stood up, and walked over to dad who had a bitch face on.

"How could I have been so blind to not see how much of an asshole you are?" She asked calmly. Mom then took the wedding and engagement ring off her ringers. She threw the very expensive ring at him, and it crashed to the floor.

"Get out of my house." She instructed firmly, pointing to the door.

Dad laughed. "Fine, come on, Felix."

Felix and I looked at each other sadly. He sighed, and went to get up, but mom stopped him.

"No, he stays. You, go."

Dad rolled his eyes. "Mkay, I don't need that troublemaker in my life anyway."

Then he finally left, slamming the door shut behind him.

"I couldn't let you live with his abusive self, Felix. I'm so sorry."

Felix smiled softly at mom. "It's okay."

Finally, I was free. Free of dads control over me, free of his hurtful words and actions. I was finally free to be myself.

The question was, am I ready to be?

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