T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Something I wasn't expecting when I got home from school was to see Felix crying.

I had football practice so I came home later, and when I opened the door I saw Felix sitting on the couch crying while dad was yelling at him. I just hoped dad didn't touch him.

I don't think either of them realized I came home. But instead of listening in on what was going on, my dumb self interrupted.

"What's going on?" I asked calmly, dropping my backpack and sitting next to Felix on the couch.

He still had to wear long sleeves to cover up the glass cut dad made on his arm, and I had to avoid mom at all costs so she didn't see my black eye and all the cuts and bruises dad has given me. He's been more abusive to me ever since he found out I am gay.

"None of your fucking businesses," he fired back at me in an angry tone. Not gonna lie, it hurt.

"I don't need you budding into my conversation with dumbass over here," he growled, pointing to Felix. He cried even more.

I couldn't take it anymore. I got up from the couch and punched dad right in the face.

"I'm tired of you! Calling your own children names, verbally hurting us, making us feel bad about ourselves. That's not what a father is supposed to do!"

Then without a warning, he slapped me so hard in the face I fell to the ground. He kicked me.

"How dare you speak to me like that! I didn't raise you to be a gay, disrespectful, hideous boy like you are. You have no right to speak to your father like that!" He yelled at me. The tears finally started coming out of my eyes, and that familiar feeling of being unwanted started coming back to me.

"And I didn't raise you," he pointed to Felix, "to be a misbehaving little shit. You are both such disappointments! Especially you, Jeongin. I can't even believe you. I thought you were better than this."

I couldn't bare to get up. I felt like such a drag, so unwanted and horrible. I hated this feeling, why do the bad things always happen to me?

Suddenly, dad picked me back up by my shirt collar, nearly choking me. I tried to pry his hands off, but he had a tight grip.

The next things happened so fast.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. Felix ran over to us and tried to get dad to let go of me, but he ended up grabbing Felix with one hand and dragged him away. It managed to rip his sleeve on his injured arm.

Felix fell to the ground as the front door opened. I heard mom scream.

"What's going on!"

Dad then dropped me and I took a huge breath, finally being able to breathe again. Dad stood frozen, not knowing what to do. Felix and I lay on the floor next to each other, scared and in pain.

It was unlikely for this to ever happen, but Mom had come home from work early tonight.

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