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Lee Felix:

That stubborn little bitch!

Deny, deny, and then hide. That's what Jeongin lives by. And gosh, it can get so annoying. He won't even attempt to do anything out of his comfort zone!

Jeongin needs to get over dad and let himself be free. I hate seeing how upset he is, having to hide himself from the world, and it sucks. Nobody should have to do that. Especially Jeongin, because he's a kind and innocent person who just deserves the best in life.

It causes stress, anxiety, depression, etc. And from what I've seen, Jeongin's experienced, and still does, experience it all.

And as his brother and best friend, I can't stand to see him go through that.

I just want to push the real Jeongin out of him somehow!

Ive been trying and trying to help out as much as I can. Using baby steps, you know? But no, he refuses everything. Literally everything! Why? What's he so scared of?

How am I supposed to help, if I can't get him to even try as well?

I saw the way he looked at Seungmin and acted like when he got complimented by him. It was so obvious Jeongin likes him, and you can see how happy Seungmin made him in just their first day of meeting. It'll only grow more and more as the days go by, which will stress Jeongin out more if he doesn't just make a move!

I feel so bad because I can't do anything to help.

But, all I can do is comfort Jeongin in the hard times. And as much as I wish he would help himself and open up to Seungmin, I'll just have to let him know that he's okay until he can do so.


I start school tomorrow and I wanna kashoot myself

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