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Yang Jeongin:

Once school was back in session after winter break, it officially means football season is back in business. It seems way too early...and cold, but we make things work.

We start practicing from the beginning on the school year because it's always the same team...except for seniors and freshmen. Obviously, seniors graduate and the juniors take their spots, and so on. I was one of those freshmen's last year, being forced to try out by my dad and unexpectedly making the team.

But the freshmen try out early in the year, and once we know who makes the team it's right to practice. So, the team starts practicing in mid September and goes on until mid February, and then games start.

We practice in rain, sun or snow, no matter hot or cold. It sucks ass. Why couldn't football be during the fall like the NFL? Not all damn school year, ugh!

Currently it's the begging of January, winter break just ended. Only a month and a half till I start getting crushed again!

If you couldn't tell, there was heavy sarcasm in that.

Trying to forget about it, I started reading in study hall. The book was The Girl I Used To Be by April Henry, one of my all time favorites since middle school.

I was interrupted when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

My only friend in this class is Seungmin, seeing we have every class together, so I was expecting to see him.

The butterflies in my stomach died down when it was in fact not him. I recognized this girl to be Kim Dahyun. She's been in at least one of my classes since the 6th grade, and she's extremely sweet so I have no problem talking to her.

We used to be friends, but we found our own friend groups after awhile.

"Hey Jeongin," she whispered to me, "how are you?"

I smiled, which made her smile. "I'm good, whatcha need?"

I tried not to sound rude, but we haven't talked in awhile so she must need something.

"Umm-" Dahyun looked nervous. Has it been that long since we spoke that she's uncomfortable talking to me now?

"I was wondering, would you want to get dinner sometime? Like...as a date?" She said, releasing a breath afterwards. She refused to look at me.

Which was good, because the face I made when she asked that was not pretty. I frowned, not wanting to have to hurt another girl.

How can I turn her down? She's so nice and a great person, it would seem like child abuse to just say no. But then again, if I say yes, it would be even worse to break up with her.

I've dated lots of girls, everyone knows that. It's only my sophomore year, and I've had at least fifteen girlfriends. It's not like I wanted them, but being a player on the football team gives you lots of girls crushing on you. And I don't have the heart to say no.

It also sucks, because that's how I got the reputation as a playboy.

But to my luck, it's never been someone I know to ask me out. Until now.

I thought for a second, before answering,"sure, I would love to."

Dahyun's smile grew bigger and her eyes lit up. She seemed so happy, which only makes me feel worse.

"This Friday night?"

I nodded, since I don't have football practice then, and no game till next month.

She then went back to reading as did I. Except now, I couldn't focus.

I turned my head to look at Seungmin, who was in the desk behind Dahyun. He gave me two thumbs up with a smile, so he must have heard the whole thing.

I flashed him a fake smile and rested my head on my desk.

Not again.


The girl I used to be is one of the best books out there okay

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