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(Say the name-)


Yang Jeongin:

I don't know how to feel.

Relieved? Crazy? Yeah, crazy. Am I losing it? Did I just kiss Seungmin? Did Seungmin just kiss me?

I'm definitely losing my mind.

The good thing that's come out of this, is that it's not even awkward between Seungmin and I now. It's like nothing even happened. Which is good, because I didn't need him avoiding me or something. That would hurt.

We unspokenly agreed to keep the kiss a secret. It would be less stressful on my part.

I instantly told Felix what happened as soon as I got home. He freaked out and was also happy for me. He didn't ask me why my eyes were puffy. Felix knows not to bud into my business and that I'll tell him things eventually.

On that note, yes I didn't mention to him that I almost had a relapse and I hit a low point. I'll tell him sooner or later though. I would never keep anything from him.


I don't know why, but I've been getting nasty looks all day. In the hallway and in class. I have a bad feeling in my gut Mingyu told everyone, but I ignored it for now.

"Why is everyone staring at you?" Felix asked me in fourth block. I glanced over at Seungmin to see if he was getting stares too, and he wasn't. Maybe it's not about that then.

Thank god.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

Felix frowned, and continued to do whatever he was doing to avoid paying attention. 

Soon, I saw an eraser fling across the room and hit a girl.

I gave Felix a 'wtf' look. He had a pencil and rubber band, and it looked like he created a slingshot.

"Wanna try?" He whispered to me. I shook my head.

"Who shot that eraser?" The teacher questioned. He gave Felix a look, knowing damn well it was him.

"Mr Lee?"

"You know it!" Felix said annoyingly confident with a wink.


"Meh I'm used to it."

I huffed, knowing I'll have to walk home alone today. Football practice got cancelled because coach had to be somewhere, but our first game is Friday night. I'm not excited at all!

Finally, the lunch bell rang, and it was time for my favorite part of the day (besides going home)...lunch!

The one time a day I'm with all my friends at once. It's great!

"How did you guys do on Mr. Parks test?" Hyunjin asked when he sat down, the last one to arrive.

"100%!" Minho and Jisung yelled in sync. We all rolled our eyes, knowing that would happen.

"Well, I got a 65% because I couldn't focus," I complained. It wasn't totally a lie. I couldn't focus, because Seungmin was on my mind again.

There was tension at the table, but I couldn't tell why. Everyone seemed confused?- no, they seemed anxious about something. And it was everyone, everyone except me. Was I missing something? Or was it just me being paranoid?

Before I could ask what's up, a tall figure, who I wasn't delighted to see, walked up to our table. It was Mingyu. I sighed. Everyone stiffened up. Why?

"Seventeen, can I talk to you," he asked in a friendly way. By the way, seventeen is my football number.

I wanted to punch him. And he calls me the fake one.

I excused myself from my friends, and went to the hallway with Mingyu. This probably wasn't a good idea, but oh well.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"You have some nerve, Yang. Kissing that new dork."

My jaw dropped. How does he know. 

"Excuses me?" I mumbled, taking a step back.

"I'm guessing you haven't checked JYP blog."

JYP blog is basically what the name says. It's a school blog ran by the students. Only Juniors and Seniors have access to the password to post, but everyone at school can view it, even teachers and only the parents of students. But everything is anonymous.

But what could he have done? Outed me? Without proof? That's funny.

Because of my reputation, nobody would believe it.

"I haven't, but nobody will believe anything you say without proof," I said confidently, raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms.

Mingyu pulled out his phone and unlocked it. "You mean, this proof?"

Then we went to the blog post, and turned his phone around so I could see the screen. And right there above the caption, was an exact photo of me kissing Seungmin just a few days ago.

He must have followed us and caught us kissing, on photo!

Oh no!!

I grabbed his phone, panicked, reading the caption over and over again and staring at the photo, making sure it was real.

"You see it right here JYP students! The schools player, girl toy, football player, very masculine man, the most popular kid at school, kissing a boy. Kim Seungmin, the new openly bisexual kid to be specific. Did you know Yang Jeongin is gay? Did you know he hides behind a mask and lies right to everyone's faces everyday? If he lied about this, who knows what else he could have lied about. So ladies, back off. Because no girls allowed!"

Then I stared at the photo, zooming in on everything. It was legit. Seungmin and I are holding hands, eyes closed, kissing each other. It was 100% real.

I remember how that kiss felt. It was amazing. Now it's coming back to haunt me.

"I can't believe you stalked me like that!" I yelled, running back to my lunch. Tears threatened to fall, but I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of everything. Of everyone.

I slowed down when I reached the cafeteria. I calmly walked in and sat back down. But all my friends knew. They knew everything. They follow the blog.

"Jeongin..." Chan started to speak. But I cut him off.

"Don't," I said straight forward, "please."

Minho and Chan gave worried glances over to each other.

"Jeongin. We all need to talk." Chan announced strictly.

I bit my lip and looked over to Seungmin. He mouthed 'I'm sorry' to me. I turned my head away.

Then Chan grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside, and the rest of my friends followed.

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