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Yang Jeongin:

The rest of school went by fast, which doesn't usually happen. So why was today so different?

Because Seungmin is in most of my classes, and I found myself staring every time i saw him, the whole time.

And let me tell you, that makes time fly by.

Once school ended though, I met up with Felix and reminded him to tell dad that I have practice. Then, I went to my locker to pack up.

Before I arrived, I saw someone standing by my locker. But, he wasn't waiting for me, he was trying to get his own locker opened.

Of course, it was Seungmin. Great.

I walked over to my own locker, and it turns out his is right next to mine.

"Hey Jeongin!" He cheered when he saw me. I smiled and waved back. "Aw, there's that cute smile again!"

I couldn't even manage to get my locker opened before I got flustered again. Seungmin obviously took note and laughed.

"Chill, I'm just playing. Why're you getting so anxious?" He then patted my back to calm me down, and went back to trying to get his own locker open.

Oh. My. God.

"I-I'm not!" I defended, mentally slapping myself for stuttering.

Seungmin finally got his locker open, and he clapped his hands and jumped up and down happily. It was super adorable!

"It doesn't seem like it! You don't like me, do you?" He teased, giving me a cheeky wink.

My eyes widened and I turned my head away, refusing to make eye contact.

"What! No, I'm...straight."

I just lied right through my teeth, and it hurt a whole lot.

"I know, Jeongin. Remember, I was just messing."

I calmed down a bit, and we both finished packing up. We shut our lockers.

"Want to hang out and do homework together?" He asked me, eyes full of hope.

I frowned. I hate to turn him down, but football calls.

"Ah I'm sorry, I have football practice," I answered sadly. He seemed a bit shocked.

"You do football?!"

I nodded.

"You don't seem like the football type," he told me while shrugging.

How badly I wanted to tell him that I'm not! But, I just laughed it off.

We said our goodbyes, and I was off to the locker room while he went home.

Time for three hours of hell.

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