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Yang Jeongin:

I don't know what encouraged me, but I bought the shirt.

I mean, I can never wear it, but buying something I want made me feel so much stronger and comfortable.

As Felix and I walked out of the store, I recognized a familiar cherry colored haired boy sitting on a bench alone. Butterflies filled my stomach.


He noticed Felix and I right away, and hopped off the bench and came over to us. I gave Felix an anxious look, but he just obnoxiously winked at me. I wacked him in the arm before Seungmin arrived.

"Hi guys!" He smiled, making me heart melt.

"Hey Seungmin! Are you here alone?" Felix asked, happy to see our new friend.

Seungmin nodded, "yup, I came here to buy a present for my mom because her birthday is tomorrow, but now I'm just walking around. You know, exercise!"

I laughed softly. His energy is so cute.

"Well, I have to get going. Maybe you and Jeongin can hang out together for a few hours!" Felix suggested. To me, it was obviously a lie to get us to hang out.

I panicked. I smiled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck, waiting for Seungmin's answer.

"I would love to!" Seungmin cheered.

I took a deep breath and let it out. "Okay, lets go then."


Felix went home, leaving it just the two of us. We sat on the bench and chatted for a little while, until he noticed my bag.

"Ooo let me see what you bought!" He yelled, reaching for my bag.

When realization of what's in there hit me, I snatched the bag back from him before he can open it.

"Don't open that!" I yelled without thinking.

"Why not~" Seungmin huffed, crossing his arms and pouting like a little kid. It only made him look cuter, and me wanting to show him more. But, I can't.

"It's...uh, a surprise?" I said, unsure if that was a valid excuse. Luckily, he seemed to buy it.

"Oh I see! I'm sorry," he apologized.

I felt bad, he didn't do anything wrong and he's apologizing.

How badly I want to grab his hands and tell him there is no need to apologize, but instead I freaked out and told him I had to go.

I'm so dumb!

I ran out of the mall with the bag flying everywhere. I must have looked like such an idiot.

Is this crush thing really gonna drag me down? I hope not, because I really like Seungmin, not just as a crush but also as a friend.

And I don't want to have to end either of those.

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