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Yang Jeongin:

I hung up with Felix and told Dahyun that I had to go. Since we never even ordered anything at the restaurant, we got up and left. I quickly drove her home, obviously going over the speed limit and apologized.

"We can totally hang out as friends another day. Thank you for understanding," I told her before I left.

Once I arrived home, I noticed there were cop cars parked in front of my house. The first thing I thought was, what the hell did Felix do?

I barged into the house to see Felix sitting on the couch, getting a lecture from two police girls.

Maybe he tried flirting with them?

"Hi...I'm his brother. What's going on?" I asked nervously, walking over to them.

"We caught him spray painting your school," one girl said.

I went wide eyed and looked over to Felix, who flushed red in embarrassment.

"What!" I yelled in disbelieve.

The cops sighed. "We'll let you off with a warning, but if we catch you again there will be serious consequences."

Then they left.

Once they shut the door, I hit Felix in the arm.

"First off, did they contact mom and dad," I asked. Felix nodded his head. Oh God! "Secondly, what were you thinking!"

Felix put his hands up in defense. "I was just trying to pull a minor prank. I didn't think the cops would get involved!"

I face palmed. "Don't you know graffiti is illegal!"

"I do now," he shrugged.

"You have to be more careful with your pranking. You can really get into trouble."

"I already talked to mom and dad on the phone. They said they'll deal with me later."

I let out a long sigh.

"You have to cool it," I warned. Then he gave me a suspicious face.

"You already have another one planned, don't you?"

Felix nodded and laughed. I groaned.

"What is it this time?"

He clapped his hands together, and turned around to face me.

"It's pretty big, and I'll need your help."

When does he ever learn?

"Go on..."

"Tomorrow night, we break into the school and put food coloring in the water pipes, and then the next day somehow set it off and it'll rain color and it would be a blast!"

I don't like the sound of that at all.

"How would you get into the school without setting off an alarm?"

"With these," He then held up keys.

"Are those the keys to the school?!"

Felix nodded. "The janitor set them down on a table while he was in the bathroom. So I snatched them."

I couldn't believe him. He's taking his pranking too far.

"I don't know, Lix..."

"Please Jeongin! Please!" He begged.

Then, me being my pushover self, gave in. "Fine. I am not breaking into the school, but I'll help set them off during class."

"Yes thank you!" Then he hugged me.

I have a really bad feeling about this.


Felix swore to me nobody will ever know it was us. I can just hope he's right.

Last night Felix went out and set the prank up. Now in class, all I have to do is set it off.

Felix gave me a match box, and told me to light it under my desk where nobody could see. All he said I had to keep it lit for five seconds, and then I can put it out. He said it'll produce enough smoke to set off the water sprinklers.

In the middle of class, I did as told. And it worked.

The whole school started pouring out colorful water. I hate to admit it, but it was pretty cool.

The teacher instructed us to get into the hallway, and it was also 'raining' there too.

Students were dancing, enjoying the colorful water. Our clothes were getting soaked. But everyone seemed to be having fun.

I caught sight of Felix and he ran over to me. "Isn't this amazing!" He had a huge smile on his face.

"You're an evil genius, Felix."


I promise you there will be more Seungin soon :((

Also I snatched this prank idea from Middle School: The Worst Years Of My Life because it's cool asf

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