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Yang Jeongin:

Our parents instantly found out about the water prank when Felix and I came home drenched. Luckily, Felix covered for me and took all the blame.

Between that and the police incident, you can bet he got the lecture of a lifetime. 

Anyway, everything past by like nothing happened the next day at school. It was like a normal day, not like a legendary prank was pulled the day before.

Felix and I were at our lockers talking, and Dahyun and her group of friends walked past us. Dahyun and I waved and smiled to each other.

"Oh yeah, I never asked. How was your date with Dahyun?" Felix questioned.

I laughed, remembering the shit that happened in the short time we were at the restaurant.

"Not that good," I started, "I ended up having to come out to her."

We spoke lowly so nobody in the hallway could hear.

Felix went wide eyed. "No way!" He whisper shouted. "What happened?"

"Basically I mumbled under my breath that I am gay and she heard me. I had to explain everything to her and it was so embarrassing!"

"Ooooo that's rough."

"Yeah, luckily she understood what I meant and was totally understanding." 

A relived look went across Felix's face.

Just then, Seungmin came up to his locker, that is obviously right next to mine. He opened his locker and grabbed his stuff, then started talking to us.

"I know it was you guys who pulled that sprinkler prank," Seungmin said very straight forward. Felix laughed and gave him a high-five, being proud of himself.

"H-How did you know?" I asked, mentally slapping myself for stuttering.

Way to make yourself obvious!

"I saw you light the match under your desk. And I knew Felix had to be in charge of it. I've only been here for what? Two weeks, and Felix has pulled many pranks."

"You're smart," I said, looking down at the floor not making eye contact with Seungmin. I forgot how much I liked him until just now.

I hate this! I hate liking him! Why does he have to be so...perfect?

From his hair, to his voice, to his smile, his everything. It's just breathtaking.

Seungmin then squatted down and looked up, making his eyes meet mine. "What, too shy to look at me?"

He then used his hand to lift up my head as he stood up. "That's better!"

Seungmin smiled, which made me even more flustered. But I smiled back, and it was obvious in his facial expression that he was happy I did.

"See you boys later," he spoke, walking away.

"BruH!" Felix yelled. "He's obviously flirting with you!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You think so?"

Felix punched my arm playfully. "Yes! Who else would do that? He likessss you!"

I pushed his arm away. "He does not!"

"Sure he doesn't," Felix answered sarcastically, and then we were on our way to class.

Does Seungmin like me though? He does seem very touchy with me...no. I wouldn't get that lucky. There's no way. He's just comfortable with me, right?

This is giving me stress and a headache.

Felix arrived at his class before I did. We said our goodbyes and then I walked to my first class alone, rubbing the side of my head as I did. I'm so stressed right now, and it's killing me.

I hate keeping secrets, and liking Seungmin is eating me alive. I don't know how long I can keep this for.


I couldn't focus all day. Whenever I tried to work, Seungmin kept popping up in my brain. That's not a good sign.

As I was walking out of school, I felt a finger poke my shoulder. I turned around and saw Kim Mingyu. He's a player on the football team with me, so we're pretty good friends.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, giving him a fake smile. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now.

"I heard you and Felix talking today at your lockers."

My heart dropped. Is he talking about what I think he is?

I tried to cover it up. "Oh, about the prank? Yeah that was us! Gotta go-"

I went to turn around and walk away, but Mingyu grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me back around, and threw me against a locker.

He was taller and stronger then me, so I couldn't resist anything.

"Don't play dumb!" He yelled, putting a hand on my chest so I couldn't run away. "So, you're gay. That's disgusting."

I didn't think it was possible, but my heart dropped even more hearing that. I always thought Mingyu was a good teammate, and friend.

"What?..." I asked, my voice cracking.

"Why would you even wanna date the same gender? That's gross and dumb." Mingyu spat. He could tell I was getting hurt by his words, so he kept going.

"You're a disgrace. Lying to everyone at school. Do you think that's okay? You're fake."

I felt my breathing pick up as he said those words. They remind me of what dad would say when he sees a gay person on his tv shows. And it hurts.

"Ugh not another one."

"Nobody should be allowed to get raised like that."

"What a disappointment."

It all just comes flooding back to me.

I used all my strength to finally push past Mingyu, and I ran out of school.

I ran past many students talking to each other while they wait for their rides to come, one of the kids being Seungmin.

He must have noticed my sad state as I ran, because he ran after me yelling my name.

I didn't look back, and ignored his calls. I don't know where Felix is or care about the strangers staring at me as I ran down the sidewalk.

I just need to get out of here.

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