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Yang Jeongin:

Felix and I are at the mall, just the two of us. We haven't hung out together in awhile, so we figured now would be a great time, seeing winter break started a few days ago.

We went into multiple stores, and I mostly just watched Felix shop. He picked out a bunch of shirts and outfits, while I just chose some hats that I'll probably never wear.

"Do you like this?" Felix asked full of hope. He's been asking me this every five minutes in every store, trying to find a masculine shirt I actually like.

But, I shook my head. He sighed, putting the shirt back down.

"I'm sorry, Lix." I answered sadly as we started walking out of the store. He gave me a smile.

"Don't worry about it! It's not your style and I get it. I just feel bad because-"

Felix stopped in his tracks and started tapping my shoulder like crazy, pointing in the left direction.

"What! What...oh my god!"

I turned around and looked where he was pointing, and I was in awe.

Hanging up in its own section was a beautiful, light pink teeshirt, with white glitter stitching going around the sleeves. It was simple, but I loved it.

It was so random, because this is a guys store. It was in a tiny corner section that looked like it was for males who enjoy wearing feminine clothes.

All the clothes were indeed for boys, but they look like something a girl would wear. And I want it.

I slowly walked over to it with Felix, feeling embarrassed. There were many people in the store, and nobody was in the section.

We heard people snicker as we approached, but I didn't know anyone so I didn't care. I am just happy to even be within five feet of something I want to wear.

Once I got close enough, I felt the soft material of the shirt and the roughness of the sparkles, and it made me so happy.

I smiled, looking at sizes. I found one that was my size, I unfolded it and held it against my body. When I looked in the full length mirror, I saw what I would look like if I actually put it on.

I stared at myself, loving what I saw and never wanting to leave.

I saw Felix's body appear in the mirror, and he smiled. "Are you gonna try it on?" He asked.

Finally, I put the shirt to my side and made eye contact with Felix.

"Should I?"


My heart was racing. I've never ever put anything on that was even close to feminine.

But, I'm just with Felix. My dad isn't even in the mall, and this is my chance!

"Okay. I'm gonna try it on!"

Felix clapped his hands together excitedly.

I then ran into the dressing room to change, anxiously throwing off my current shirt and replacing it with the new one.

After a few seconds, I walked out and showed Felix.

Without saying anything, he just showed me a very bright smile, which I returned with my own. I was so happy.

Felix pulled me into a quick hug to show he was proud that I put the shirt on. I never thought I would have the guts to actually betray my father and wear something like this, but here we are.

I just can't believe it. I didn't realize it, but I started tearing up. I'm feeling so many things, and it just feels right. I feel like...myself.

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