T W E N T Y - O N E

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Yang Jeongin:

The last thing I want right now is to play football. Having my psychopath father in the crowed, the person who forces me to play the game in the first place, only drives my agony even more.

And now that everyone knows I don't want to be here, makes it worse.

But, here I am. Spending my Friday night playing the first game. At least it's a home game.

I'm standing on the sidelines in my equipment, waiting for coach to put me in. The game started about a half hour ago, but I don't usually get put in till later. I looked behind me into the crowed. I saw mom and Felix cheering, and dad pretending to be interested. Usually he's up on his feet too, but not anymore.

I looked over more to the left, and saw all my friends. They were going insane. I smiled.

Then, behind them was Dahyun and her friends. But there was a girl I didn't recognize with them. I wonder who it is.

"Jeongin!" I heard coach yell. I saw one of my teammates coming off the field looking tired. "He needs a break, you're in! Go!"

Reacting quickly, I put on my helmet and ran onto the field. I got into place, feeling anxious. I hate this.

They play started, and the quarterback threw me the ball. Luckily, I caught it and started running down the field.

I heard very little people cheer for me. I ignored it for now, because I just ran. If I can score, I can show everyone that I'm not a piece of shit.

That thought didn't last long, because before I knew it a giant player on the opposite team came charging right at me.

I didn't have time to move away. Whoever it was slammed me to the ground with no mercy.

I instantly made contact with the ground, head bouncing inside of my helmet. People groaned in the audience.

I don't know if it was because of how hard I hit my head on the ground yesterday when dad pushed me, but before I knew it the familiar pain came back to my head- but worse.

"He's down!" Someone over the loudspeaker yelled.

The last thing I remember was Felix running into the field taking my helmet off, because I was met with all black vision.


I woke up back home in my bed, somehow in pj's and ice on my head. When my eyes opened up, I saw my mom sitting at my desk.

"Oh honey! Are you okay?" She asked.

Even though my head throbbed, I nodded.

"Yeah, mom. I'm okay now. I guess I was just in shock," I lied.

She shook her head, "did you hit your head before hand? Maybe if it was already injured it reacted like that if it got hit again."

So she has no idea about dads blowout.

I lied again, "Nope. Where's Felix?"

"He's out with Changbin. Should be back by 8:00."

I looked over at the clock. It was 7:30. The game started at 5:00 and is probably still going on, so they must have left early.


Then my mom kissed my head and left the room, leaving me alone.

Not long after mom arrived downstairs, I heard dad starting to yell. I thought it must have been about my hit, but it wasn't. It was about Felix.

"He's out of control!" Dad yelled, "I'm having enough of him. And after what he just pulled at the game, he's crossed the line."

What did Felix do now?

"Shh, you don't want Jeongin to hear you," mom shushed. Now I was really intrigued.

The floor is really thin so even if they whisper, I can hear them. I eves dropped.

"Just because he got in a fight with the kid who tackled Jeongin, doesn't mean you should flip out. He was just protecting his brother."

Felix fucking fought whoever knocked me out? Oh my god, that dumbass!

"He's been pulling shit and getting himself in trouble for years! He's gotten detentions, suspensions, grounded, in fights, and he never fucking learns," dad complained.

This won't end well.

"What are you saying we should do? Up the punishments?" Mom asked innocently, not wanting any trouble.

"I think we should send him to military school."

My heart dropped. No way. I tuned out the rest of the conversation, because I was crying. This can't be true.

I can't lose Felix. Not now, not ever.

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