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Yang Jeongin:

I went through the rest of school panicking. I couldn't focus and I kept feeling lumps in my throat.

So many thoughts filled my mind. Will mom be home? Is dad gonna kill me? I was worried shitless and sick to my stomach. And Felix noticed.

I waited outside of school until Felix's detention was over. I did not want to go home alone.

I leaned against the building scrolling through the blog, reading the comments. There was a lot of disappointed students. And I don't blame them. Then one from Dahyun caught my eyes.

Kimdahyun98: leave him alone!!! >:(((

It was simple, but it made me smile at such a hard time. I knew she could have my back

Soon, I saw Felix walk out of the school, and my nerves started picking up again. We walked home as slow as possible, and I felt my heart drop when we reached the house.

Moms car wasn't home. She's not back from work yet. It's just dad. I'm screwed, I thought.

Felix opened the already unlocked door and we walked in together. We entered the kitchen quietly and dad was in the next room watching tv. Once he heard us walk in, he came into the room. He gave me the nastiest glare.

"Hey, Felix can you go up to your room? I need to have a chat with Jeongin," dad said, not removing his angry eyes from my face.

"No," Felix answered sassily, "I'm hungry."

Dad broke eye contact with me and looked at Felix.

"Listen you little shit," he started off, "if you don't walk your dumb ass to your room, I will make sure you're not able to walk anymore, Kay?"

Felix and I looked at each other defeatedly. Felix rolled his eyes and ran off. Dad didn't start speaking until he heard the bedroom door slam shut.

It was just the two of us now. My hands shook in my pockets as I fiddled with them.

"Care to explain this?" He asked, whipping out his phone and pulling up the blog post. I felt like I was going to puke just looking at it.

I shook my head. He stood a step closer to me.

"Is it true? Please tell me it's photoshopped or something." Dad pleaded.

I hesitantly nodded. I could see his facial expression change from anger to rage. I took a step back, but he walked up closer to me again.

"What makes you think kissing this guy is alright!" Dad yelled, less of a question and more of a statement. He groaned while punching me in the face.

I winced in pain and fell to the ground, rubbing my eye. It hurt to blink.

"You're so weak, I can't believe this is how I raised you. You're a disgrace."

His words hurt. After I stood back up it didn't take him long to shove me back to the ground. My head slammed against the hard tile floor. But I didn't cry. I couldn't, at least not in front of him.

"Get out of my sight, you fake piece of crap," dad finally spat harshly. Without fighting back, I stood up and ran upstairs.

I opened my bedroom door and saw Felix pacing around in my room. He looked nervous.

I shut the door, and half a second later I fell to my knees and sobbed. My eye, cheek and head throbbed pain, my dad hates me, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Felix kneeled down and hugged me, but looked concerned when he saw my face. There was a black eye forming.

"Did he fucking hit you?" He asked, examining my face. I nodded.

"Not on my goddamn watch."

Before I could stop him, Felix got up and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He left me on the door in pain, feeling terrible.

Dear God please Felix fix things.

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