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Yang Jeongin:

"Is this seat taken?"

Everyone, including me, turned their heads to see a boy standing at our table. He had a soft baby face and cherry colored hair.

He was beautiful.

Butterflies filled my stomach when he made eye contact with me. I flashed him a quick smile.

"Who are you?" Chan asked, trying to sound as polite as possible.

The mystery boy reached out his hand for Chan to shake, and then went around the table allowing us all to do the same.

"I'm Kim Seungmin!" He cheered, "I just moved here, and today is my first day. I'm trying to find some good friends."

Everyone at the table looked at each other and nodded. Seungmin seems extremely nice, not to mention attractive- no. I'm not letting myself crush on another boy. Because I know it'll drag me to hell.

Changbin patted the empty seat next to me and smiled, "The seats all yours, Seungmin!"

Seungmin quietly sat down, and automatically joined in on our conversation. From what I've seen, he's pretty confident and definitely not shy. I wish I was like that.

Then, I noticed he didn't have a lunch. I frowned, thinking he must be hungry.

"Hey, are you hungry? We can split my lunch," I offered to him, and his face lit up.

"Yes please! I was rushing this morning and didn't have time to pack."

His happy smile was so cute.

I smiled and laughed awkwardly, ripping my sandwich in half. I handed it to Seungmin, who thanked me again.

When I smiled, he noticed my braces. And something I didn't think I would hear, he said.

"Awe your smile is so cute, and the braces really fit you!"

I felt my face instantly go red. My eyes widened along with everyone else's.

I shot Felix a look, who smirked at me when he saw me blushing.

I know Seungmin was just being nice but...holy shit!

He noticed everyone staring at him confusedly, which made him laugh.

"Yesss?" He asked, almost in a mocking tone.

Felix could clearly see how flustered I got from that comment, and he couldn't contain himself from laughing so hard.

"Are you..." Hyunjin started off, not knowing how to ask the question.

"Gay? No. Bi, yup!" Seungmin finished for him. The confidence in this boy is crazy!

Felix winked at me, and I waved him off. I don't need this.

But do I like Seungmin? I don't want to admit it, but yes I do.

And this is not going to end well, I know it.

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