T W E N T Y - F O U R

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Yang Jeongin:

Seungmin and I have been avoiding the question for awhile now: what are we?

Before school, I think he finally got the courage to ask, because that's exactly what he did.

I was leaning against my locker, just scrolling through instagram, when he walked up to me. I could tell by his shoes that it was him. I looked up from my phone to see his smiling face.

"Hey, Jeongin," he said, sounding tired.

"What's up? You look exhausted."

He rubbed his eyes and laughed softly, "that's cause I am. I haven't been getting much sleep."

My eyes went wide. "Why!"

"Because I've had a lot on my mind, mostly you."

My heart picked up hearing that, "what?..."

"I've been wanting know what we are for days, and it's stressful. What are we, Jeongin? Friends? A couple? What!"

I broke eye contact with Seungmin and looked at the floor flustered.

"What do you want to be?" I mumbled.

This was so cliché it hurts.

"Well, if you're asking me, I wanna be your boyfriend."

That was so straight forward. What do I say!

"O-Oh?" I stuttered out.

"What about you?" He then asked me.

I wanna be his boyfriend too. But the question is, do I have the guts to tell him? The guts to come out in a relationship?

"Well..." how do I put this? "I want the same as you. I just don't know how."

A smile grew on seungmin's face, and it made my heart flutter.

"Don't know how to what?"

"To be in a relationship, to act like a couple, to be able to express our relationship with others," I explained. And it was true, I'm so damn awkward...and scared.

Seungmin put one hand on the locker, leaning over me like how boyfriends do to their girlfriends in movies. My eyes glanced over to his hand that was by my head on the locker, then back to him. Our faces were once again close. This felt familiar.

"You don't have to be anything. You just be you, and I'll just be me, and we'll show everyone that we don't give a fuck about them, or stereotypes." 

Then he leaned over and kissed me on the lips, but it only lasted a few seconds until everyone in that hallway looked at us and gasped.

Seungmin pulled away, and he didn't seem phased at all. While I, was a tomato in the face. I looked at everyone in the hallway who stared back at us, embarrassed and nervous for what they would do.

I looked back at Seungmin, who smirked.

"Are you crazy?" I asked him in a whisper.

"Like I said," he whispered in my ear, "show them we don't give a fuck."

Then he walked away. Damn, my new boyfriend is such a sass ball.

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