T W E N T Y - T W O

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Yang Jeongin:

I waited and waited for Felix to come home. And I haven't stopped crying. I'm really worried for him.

Military school is some intense shit. And Felix may be a goofball, but he wouldn't be able to take it. He would crash and burn within the first day.

It's way past 8:00 now and mom and dad both think Felix is home, so they went to sleep. But he's not, and it's 11:00 now.

I made sure the lights in my room are off so mom and dad think I'm sleeping. The only light on is the desk lamp that hardly lights up the whole desk.

With that said, I continued to sit at my desk which is right by the window. I assumed he will come through the window now that the front door is locked. Plus, whenever he sneaks out he comes in through the window so he doesn't get caught.

My window, to be specific. There is a tree right near it, so he uses mine to come back in. There is not a tree near his.

And I was right. Because around 11:30, Felix came through the window. He climbed up the tree and came right in, rambling to himself.

"Fucking tree poked me in the arm- oh what's wrong, Jeongin?" Felix noticed my teary eyes.

"Where have you been?" I asked, trying not to let my voice crack.

"I was just out with Changbin at a late night bowling place, why?"

"You need to cut it out!" I whisper shouted.

Felix looked really confused. "Cut what out?"

"Getting in trouble. Breaking rules. Staying out late doing who knows what! Just everything!You have to stop!" I couldn't contain myself anymore. Tears started falling out of my eyes again.

"Who knows what you do out there. Sometimes it's reasonable like this, but sometimes you can do really crazy stuff, things that could get you arrested or even killed!"

"I get that, but-"

"No but's, just stop!"

Even though we are speaking in a low tone, the tension in between us is high.

"Why? Seriously dude what happened, you're scaring me."

"And you're scaring me!"

Felix looked really lost. He looked like he was about to say something, but I cut him off.

"Dad wants to send you to military school," I cried. I don't want him to go. I can't let him go.

"What!" Felix yelled in disbelieve. I nodded and shushed him.

"Dad has mom convinced you're seriously messed up," I spoke heart broken. Felix's face changed from happiness to anger.

"But he's the one who's messed up!

"Listen, Lix, you have to cool it with the misbehaving."

Felix nodded, showing he 100% understood. I felt bad telling him this, because pranking and stuff makes him so happy. But I can tell he doesn't want to leave either.

"I can't have you sent away. You can't just be gone. I know I don't seem like it," I started. I felt like I was going to break down right then and there. Everything is just happening at once. I can't take it.

"But I can't handle dad all by myself..."

Felix pulled me into a hug, and we both cried together. I guess he doesn't want to lose me either, and he's scared.

"I promise Innie. No more pranking."

I let out a sigh of relieve and wiped mine and his tears away.

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too, why else do you think I attacked that bitch who tackled you?"

I hit his arm. He winced in pain because that's his cut arm. Whoops!

"I still can't believe you did that," I said.

Felix just shrugged.

"Why? I'll always have your back."

"You know it's apart of the game, right?"

Felix shrugged. "Yeah, but I need to be really protective over you now. I can't have anything bad happen to you."

I smiled. I'm really thankful to have Felix in my life. And I'm not going to let anyone take him out of it.

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