District 3 & 4 Interviews

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Don Brown POV

"And now for District 3 tributes! Come on up!" I say and they walk on stage waving and then sit in their chairs. Max Gonzalez has a wight tux on with a black tie, caller, and pants. Alyssa has a yellow dress with a few curls I'm her hair. After the crowd dies down I begin to speak.

"So, Alyssa, how do you feel about having to fight to the death?" I ask and she looks at me in shock.

"I hate it! Why do we have to do this?"

"Because the districts have to be punished."

"Yes I get that but that was 200 years ago!!" she says angrily.

"Anyway, how do you feel, Max? Are you ready?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Yeah I feel fine." He says quietly.

"What weapon are you going for at the cornucopia?"

"I might not go to the cornucopia. I'll probably focus on survival more than weapons." He says.

"Ok but what weapons have you been using in training?"

"None but their is one thing I used in training, that can kill." he says.

"It's like a riddle. Well I guess we are going to find out in the games tomorrow! Give it up for our two tributes from District 3!" I yell and the crowd cheers. And the tributes walk off.

"Now for District 4!"

Frances Powell and Henry Arnall walk on the stage. Frances is wearing a blue dress lighter going up. Henry is wearing a tux that's also blue both representing their district.

"Hello Brownie!" says Frances and Henry in sync as though they plans to say that and they receive a few laughs from the crowd.

"Sup tributes! Now starting with the normal questions, what weapon do you want go have in the games?" I ask them both.

"I'm hoping to get to a trident." Says Henry.

"I'm good with a bow and arrow." Frances said right after him.

"Long ranged eh? Good! Now are you both going to be an alliance?"

"Yes, till the bitter end!" Henry says and they look at each other for a few seconds and smile at each other and then turn to me again.

"So Frances, why did you punch the peacekeeper back at the reaping?" I ask her.

"Um well it was actually before the reaping. See I was just walking one day. The day wasn't all that good. I was hungry and mad at other people. So I punched a peacekeeper." She smiles.

"Ok and Henry, how does it feel to be representing your district?" I ask.

"It's such an honor! I can't wait for the bloodbath! I-" he says then-


"Oh times up but let's have a hand for our two tributes from District 4!!!" I yell and the crowd cheers wildly as the walk off the stage.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting in a while! But I've been stuck on other books on wattpad.

Oh! (readers) vote who should win and I MIGHT let them! So read, comment, vote, add!!! And also follow me!!!

And I hope my friends from The Heritage School are cool with their characters!!!

-Matt Everett.

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