District 5 & 6 Interviews

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Andrea Caceres POV

"And now, give a warm round of applause for the district five tributes, Andrea Caseres and Jack Hunt!!!!" yells Brown to the crowd.

Me and Jack walk up the stage. I have a bright red, orange, and yellow sun dress on that is mixed. Jack is wearing a black tux but has the same color of my dress on his tie, which also matches some of his hair. After we waved to the crowd, we finally sit down.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!" exclaims Brown. "District 5!"

The crowd doesn't cheer for long but after they do, Brown finally gets a word in.

"Tributes, how are you?"

"Ight." I say and get a few laughs from the crowd.

"This question is for you, Andrea. What arena are you hoping for?"

"Umm, probably a ruined city." I say.

"Oh, very interesting, why a ruined city?"

"I don't know, I guess the arena is more exiting?" I lie.

"Ooohhh, a big city or small?"

"Big. More space that way."

"And you, Jack?"

"Ummm, probably a ruined city as well." He says while looking at me.

"Ok, umm let's see," Brown says while looking for a question in the big stack of cards, "Oh here we are. this is the last question. Jack, why, did you volunteer?" he asks and I question the same thing.

"C- cause, I umm- she was picked." He says and I look at him with wide eyes, wondering what on earth he is talking about.

"What?" I ask.

There is a big gape of silence even from the audience. And then what he says next make the crowd crazy.

"I- I love you Andrea." He says and then the buzzer sounds saying we have to get off stage. The crowd cheers and we walk off.

Athena Nassar POV

We walk onto the stage. The tribute from my district's name is Gray Burkhart. We haven't talked at all sense the reaping. But I guess that's ok.

I'm wearing a dark purple dress with some blue tide on it. Gray is wearing the same thing just in tux form.

I sorta kinda slept throughout the interviews. I mean I wasn't sleeping. I was just bored out of my mind. I did answer questions and so did Gray. We then waved to the crowd blew kisses and were escorted off the stage.


Sorry for the short chapter I just wanna get to games as fast as possible.

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