Day 6 Pt. 3

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Wright Arnall POV

Claire is dead. Finally. I let my sword fall to the ground as I drop to my knees. Frances comes up from behind me and pats me on the back. So I've killed three people when in this arena. I had first blood on Ian. Claire killed Tricia, but got away. Emily blew me up, then I came back and killed her. And just now, I liked Claire.

"I just have to win now," I think to myself. "While killing people."

Frances only has five arrows. She retrieved one but couldn't find the other.

It's getting dark now. Sumner comes back.

"Did you get Tripp?" I ask.

"He got away."

"Well we should probably camp here." I say and turn to see Kelly not holding her shirt but Dylan's hand. He died.

"If I can't live with him, I might as well not live at all." She says and takes out a needle. I don't know what's in it though. She injects it in her arm and lays down next to Dylan's corpse and dies.


Grace Jaroz POV

I didn't fight all that time. I was just standing out of the battle waiting to see if anyone else would come. Nobody did. I saw Claire but she ran in too quick. So I couldn't get to her.

I walk in and come across the alliance. I see Kelly on the ground next to Dylan holding hands. It reminds me of Robert. I try to forget but even after the hovercraft took them both, I can't stop thinking about it.

I also see Katherine, Claire, and Henry. Frances must be so sad, loosing someone twice. Anyway, Katherine was killed by Henry and then Andrea killed him in anger of him killing her best friend. Claire attacked Wright while he was sword fighting with Kelly. Claire could have kill Wright but instead, he killed her.

It gets darker and darker buy the minute. So we decide to go back to Gridley. He must have been worried sick about us. Considering there were five cannons. We find him sitting on the top of the fallen monument.

We sat there with him saying constantly about how sorry we are for not bringing him along with us but he still felt mad. He'll be ok. He still trusts us with his life but once it's only us, we know what comes up next.

Me and the rest of the Careers look up to see the fallen tributes.

Deaths of Day 6:

District 4


District 5


District 9


District 11


District 11


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