Day Two Part 2

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Kelly Fairbanks POV


Jack is dead. I run as far away from the clearing as fast as I can. I have all I need with me. I turn a different direction and enter a new part of the ruined city. I run around moving into corners and allies. A noise comes from the alley to my right. I duck behind an old rotting garbage can. I hear it coming closer so I make a bracket for it. I run into the next alley and stop. I don't hear anything. I count in my head.

1, 2, 3!

I run out of the alley and bump into Andrea. We both fall to the ground. Ivie is right behind her. Ivie has a mask on and so does Andrea. She has a spear in her hand. I get up and she trips me with her spear at my ankles. I'm on the ground and she gets up. Spear facing my face.

"Get up! Slower! Now, drop the sword and slide it over to me!" I do as she says.

I hear more footsteps coming. Probably the Careers following me. Andrea sees the fear in my eyes. I quickly look over to see who the footsteps belong to. It belongs to Clay and Lydia, the two tributes from District 7. Andrea sees this and is distracted. I grab my sword and face it towards her.

I don't know how this happens but me, Clay, and Lydia circle up on Andrea and Ivie. They are surrounded.

I look over at Clay. He didn't get to a mask. His chest is puffed up as tho he's holding his breath. That's why he's lasted so long. Right now we're around a non-fire section but there is a lot of coal still scattered around the streets. He starts to loose his stance. He let's out the breath he's been holding in for who knows how long. He drops his spear and falls to the ground. He's not dead though. Lydia falls to him trying to find something on her pack to save him.

"Someone help please!" she exclaims.

I instantly remember something from training. CPR. I drop to the ground and breath in my oxygen mask, take it off and blow into his mouth. He's still alive. Andrea and Ivie just watch. I put back on the mask, take a deep breath, take it off, and blow into his mouth. He suddenly holds in the oxygen. Then I hear the sound of a sponsor gift. I grab it quickly and open it. It's another mask. Given by Don Brown. I bring it to Clay. I put it on and he starts to breath normally. He's safe.

Clay Lawhead POV

I wake up and see Kelly. She puts on her mask. But I realize I have one on as well. I didn't get one at the feast.

"Are you ok?" she asks.

"Uh yeah. Where is Lydia?" I say.

"Right here." Lydia says from behind me. I turn to see her and see behind her, Andrea and Ivie.

"Why are there so many girls?" I ask.

"We're teaming up." Lydia says.

"How? We were circling them." I say.

"Yeah but after what I did to save you from dying, they didn't think of me as the crybaby that I am. And so they thought it would be safe if we alliance together. All of us." Kelly says.

"You saved me? How? Why?" I ask.

"Yes I did. I used CPR. Why? Cause none of us deserve to die out here." She says this and looks sad. Like she's remembering something.

"Well thank you." I say.

Claire Buchanan POV

I got to the last mask. I almost slashed Emily Cushing's throat but she threw an explosive rock at me and I dodged it. I still can't believe I haven't killed anyone yet. I'm supposed to be vicious. I need a kill on the board. Maybe I should kill Kelly. That girl deserves to die. It's surprising that she got a kill and is a crybaby at the same time. True skill.

I hear something from my left and see Tricia and Wright. This is my chance. I don't see any other Careers near them. They must have split up. In the distance I see a hovercraft pick up Grace and Henry with the robotic claws.

Tricia spots me and I duck. The arrow would have hit my stomach if I didn't move. She loads another arrow. I take this opportunity to charge in. She shoots the next arrow and it slices the skin on my left arm. The pain stings but I shake it off. I grab my sickle. This will be fun. Tricia can't shoot me anymore cause her bow is long ranged. She shoves the bow down and grabs a throwing star and aims at me. Crap. Wright swings his sword at me but I shield myself with my sickle. The sound of metal hitting metal echoes in my ears. I push him back making him drop his sword. Tricia throws a star at me and I block it with the blade of my sickle. She tries to reach another one but it's no use. My blade is already in her gut. I take the blade out quickly but painfully and grin. She has fallen to the ground. Motionless. Voiceless. Still.


I take her bag, mask, quiver with arrows and the bow she threw down. I also grab som throwing stars. Who knows? I might be good with them. I look behind to see Wright on the ground moaning in pain for he landed on the concrete back first. Should I kill him? I mean I did practically say I would in training. Then I think of a plan. I'll wound him. Let him go back with his allies and see what he'll do. I grip the handle of my dagger harder, kneel down to him and stab his side. I take his belongings as well and run off into a different part of the city.

Robert Johnston POV

I wonder who the cannon was for.

"Attention tributes! You may now take off your masks! The fire will die down quicker now." Says the voice of Rusty, the Head Game-maker. "We have something is store for you tomorrow."

Grace starts to take her mask off. "Stop. Leave it on." I say thinking it might be a trick.

The shaking of the ground happens once more. This earthquake is killer. A building almost fell on me, Grace, and Emily at once.

We decide to go to "The Wight House" for camp. Me and the two girls look out the window. The sky goes dark and the faces of the dead appear.

Dead Tributes (Day 2):

District 1

Tricia Underwood

District 4

Henry Arnall

District 5

Jack Hunt

District 12

Grace Lyle

The sky is dark enough so me and Grace have a goodnight kiss. The cameras won't see us and neither will Emily. Finally.

"I love you Robert." She whispers to me.

"I have a deep regard for you as well Grace." I whisper. We smile and begin to sleep.

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