Day Two Part 1

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Ivie Cullen-Dean POV

I slash my whip at the wall, hitting where I aim every time. I then stop. I walk over to my pack that I won at the monument. I take out the flask and realize that it's empty. I have no water. Jack finished his yesterday and Andrea's flask was finished right before we all went to sleep last night.

"Were out of water." I say to Andrea who seems to be sorting out her bag, organizing everything by zipper.

"I know." She says.

"Who's left?" Jack says walking downstairs to our floor of museum.

"Both from One, Two, Max from Three, both from Four, me and you, both from Seven, Emily from Eight, Claire from Nine, you Ivie, that dumb cry baby from Eleven Kelly, Grace from Twelve, and both from Thirteen." Says Andrea to me and Jack.

"How do you know all of their names?" I ask.

"You need to know your competition." Andrea says.

"Do you know what they have?" asks Jack.

"Umm I think Wright has his sword, Tricia has her bow, Summer and Matthew from Two both have their throwing knives. Max, I have no clue."

"This is awesome." I say, amazed at how she knows this.

"Umm Frances has a bow, Henry has a trident, we know what we have, Lydia and Clay both have axes but clay also has spears, I don't know what Emily has. Claire has daggers and a sickle, Kelly got a sword, Grace got to the only crossbow in the arena, Robert got throwing knives and so did the other Grace."

"That's useful." says Jack.

"Let's go." Andrea says.

"Go where?" I ask confused.

"We're going to explore the city." She says. I guess that's ok, I think. We then nod and start to grab all of our supplies. Once we're done, we walk out of the door and see sparks coming down from the sky. Coal falling from the sky. The rocks of coal are all over the concrete, for the Capitol hovercrafts probably dropped. The sparks in the air move in slow motion in my eyes. I see one spark land on a piece of coal. The coal lights up and I then see other rocks light up. We need to get to shelter, I think. We turn around but see the building we we're in has fallen from the shaking of the ground. An earthquake. How can there be both a fire and an earthquake at the same time.

"No." I hear Jack say as rocks starts to come down from the building. All those memories of North America of travel, gone. Gray, the boy from Six would have loved this place. Too bad he's dead. Then I hear the voice of Rusty, the game-maker, speak and say what is going on.

"Attention tributes! As you can see, there is a fire, an earthquake, and some zombie tributes in the arena." I didn't know there were zombies here. I haven't seen one yet. "With the zombie tributes, if you are bitten or scratched by them, you will become them in a few minutes after they well you know. For the earthquake, building will fall, not all, but most. And my favorite part, the fire. With this, the oxygen levels are slowly going down 20% each minute. There will be a feast in five minutes at the monument so you can get to oxygen masks, water, and other supplies so that means the careers have to play fair and move away from the monument and wait till the feast begins. There in only enough for fifteen people. May the odds be ever in your favor!"

I slowly feel my lungs hurt. Andrea and Jack both seem to be in the same state as I am.

"We have to go!" Jack yells and we start running, dodging falling rocks and fires waist high.

I trip on a piece of coal not burnt but once I get up, I feel a burning pain on my left arm and left leg. Andrea pats it off with a piece of her ripped jacket and scream in anger but not in pain. I hate these games! we keep running and I see the careers at the edge of the clearing at the monument all spread out. I see Kelly running from behind us and passes us. She then gets ready by tightening her pack so it won't fall off and readies her sword. We see this and do the same.

"Maybe we should split up at the feast as well like the careers." I say.

"Good plan." Say Andrea.

"I'll go over there." Says Jack pointing to where Summer is.

"Ok." Says Andrea and because Andrea told me that the whole love thing was for the cameras they start to act and hug each other like they may never see each other again. Which is most likely possible. Andrea leaves to go to her place and I just wait.

Max Gonzalez POV

Ok I went around the clearing and set traps. Fire traps. Thanks to the coal. I grabbed some pieces and made little trails of them together. There is almost a full circle of them. I strike my tool, the flint and steel and the coal lights up. The fire is little at first but once it gets to the big piles of coal, the flames get bigger.

"Tributes, the feast has begun!" says the voice of the head game-maker, Rusty.

I run into the clearing. I see Tricia catch up behind me and I strike my tool at her but I miss terribly. She loads an arrow and aims at me. I duck roll under it and grab a bag with the number 3 on it and a oxygen mask. I get out from the battle as I see Matthew and Jack throwing knives at each other. Matthew throws a star at Jack and Jack grabs his pack and shields himself from the star and says, "Thanks for the star!"

Matthew gets mad and runs towards the masks and grabs one. Jack realizing he didn't get one means he has to go back in or he'll die.

Jack Hunt POV

I forget that I need to get to a mask and so I see the table only has three more masks. I run up to it and Matthew trips my foot with his. I'm on the ground.

"Want to do the honors?" Matthew asks Summer who is standing right next to him. Then I'm nocked out.

Summer Harris POV

Wright nocked out Grace from Twelve who had a crossbow. Note 'had'. He also nocked out Jack from Five. Frances and Henry took Kelly. All three of them are tide up and on the ground, still alive.

I kick Kelly in the gut to wake up. Tricia does the same but to Jack. Grace is already awake.

"This will be fun." Says Tricia.

"Wait! Let's ask them some questions first." Henry says.

"Ugh ok." Wright says.

"Do you know where Andrea and Ivie went, Jack?" he asks.

"No." Jack answers.

"Don't lie! I'll kill you right now! But I need some answers first." Henry instructs turning to Kelly. "And you. Your good with that sword." He says. She nods. "Do you want to make a truce? None of us deserve to die out here." He says. "I trust you." He says and he snaps his fingers and that's my queue to untie her. I do. She is given her sword back. She is also given her bag, #11 bag from the feast, and a oxygen mask. Henry sits down along with her. Everyone else seems tired and feels as though they want to sit down, and puts there weapons off to the side including me. "Do you want some food? he asks. She nods once again. He takes off his backpack and looks through it. He then throws a loaf of bread to her.

"Your right." Kelly pauses. "None of us deserve to die out here." She says we all give a sad but yet boring look to her. "Some of us just deserve to win!" Kelly yells and jumps up to her feet and before Henry can pick up his trident, her sword is already in his chest.


Kelly runs off as fast as possible and none of us have enough time to throw, stab, or shoot anything at her. Clever.

I see Grace squirming around on the ground for she is running out of oxygen. She breaths in deeply every time. Then she goes still.


Jack Hunt POV

"I think we should just leave him to the zombies." Frances says angrily, for her District partner is dead. But they weren't just partners, they were friends. So I understand how she can be mad right now.

The careers pack all of their supplies and start heading towards where Kelly is going. I'm still tied up and I don't have a mask. There is still fire surrounding the clearing but probably whatever was in the feast bags, could help with the fire.

My lungs are failing me. My eyes start to get blurry. The last thing I see is Tripp. Tripp? He's pail, with blood splatter everywhere on him. Knives are in his stomach and one straight in between the eyes. He has his arms towards me. And then, HE BITES MY NECK!!!!

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