Day Seven Pt 1

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Maya Sutriasa POV

I ran away from the battle last night. I took Katherine's bow and quiver filled with arrows just incase if Frances was to take them. I know she has like four or five left. I load an arrow into the bow.

I walk for hours and finally sit down on a rock, fallen on the ground from the earthquake on day 2.

Andrea and Elizabeth aren't with me. I left them behind for I don't know them very well. I'm still sad that Kelly and Dylan died. I'll try to win for them. Then I hear the voice of the head game maker, Rusty.

"Attention tributes! There will be a feast in fifteen minutes! Most of you are all pretty far from the clearing. The monument will be rebuilt for hovercraft's technology has advance a lot during the past week you all have been in the arena. Hovercrafts will rebuild the monument with rather large claws. Anyway there is a tracker in your arm that will detonate in SIXTEEN minutes!!! If you don't go to the feast you know what happens. But wait there's more!!! The arena will get smaller, for the force field surrounding the city will come closer and closer to the clearing until the arena is three quarters smaller!!! There is also going to be ten times more the zombies, mutts, and plants there are now!!! The feast will have food, medicine, and weapons. There will also be a watch. A watch that tells how much time is left before the game ends. One more thing. If there are two or more tributes still standing by the time the watches beep, there will be no victors of the 200th Annual Hunger Games!!! May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor!!!!"

After I hear this, my mouth opens in shock. I then pack my things. I put the pack on, the quiver over, and put my daggers in my pocket. Along with the poison vials and pills. The needles are in the pack. I then head off full speed the direction of the monument, which I see is being stacked up by the hovercrafts. In ready.

Elizabeth Boatright POV

Me and Andrea get ready to go towards the clearing. I let my hair down against my dark blue jacket. I have my things ready. I help her with the spears and it's quiver as she takes the 24 hour energy pills that Katherine sponsored her. As she takes them, there's a sad excretion on her face. So many people. People that she knows, loosing their lives in a game the Capitol thinks is fun.

Andrea is ready. So we take off. Running fast but now Andrea is faster than me. It's probably the pills. We keep running for ten minutes and stop, for we are already here.

The monument is tall again. The pointy part is there and it looks like it never fell. The hover craft lays something on the tip of it. It looks like a dark purple sheet. I try to ignore it as Maya is a couple twenty yards away with Katherine's bow.

I look up to the the monument's tip is glowing. The sheet is making that happen. The force field slowly becomes noticeable as it turns purple and looks as though it's changing shapes. It's getting smaller.

I hear screams of terror not too far cause I see them, the Careers, jumping out into the clearing for zombies are slowly getting faster. Mutts follow after. Then plants.

I feel as though I've been pushed by someone but no one was behind me. It was the force field. The purple see-through sheet pushed me as it came closer to the clearing and Andrea seems to be in the same state. We get up and ready our weapons.

"You go this way! I go that way!" Andrea says to me.

"Okay!" I say running where she told me to go. The battle has begun.

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