Day 6 Pt. 2

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Frances Powell POV

Me and Summer keep walking and pass a memorial with a stone man statue sitting in a chair. We decide to stay in there and rest.

"Do you have any water?" I ask.

"Here." Summer throws a full canteen of pure water.


"No problem."

"Where do you think Kelly might be?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"How many knives do you have left?" I ask.

"I have eight more throwing knives. How many arrows do you have?" she asks.

I take off my quiver filled with arrows and count them. I have six left. I can still pick up arrows though. If I have enough time to get to them.

"Six." I say. "Are you sure you haven't seen Kelly?"

"No. Well I saw her new district partner, Maya?" Summer says. "I told her I didn't want to fight. So we went our separate ways."

"You did the right thing. She's most likely with her. Where did she go?" I say.

"That way." Summer says while pointing to the direction left of the monument we are resting near.

"Let's go." I say.

"Wait. What's the big plan you have to take her and possibly four other people?"

I haven't thought about that.

"We climb the roofs and shoot down at them." I say.

"Higher ground. I like it. Ok let's go." Sumner says.

We walk the direction for about an hour and there hasn't been any cannons or sightings of Kelly or anybody for that matter.

Tripp Markel POV

I crouch on the roof I'm on top of as I'm watching Kelly's group eating and training with their weapons on things they found in the buildings such as pillows. They are also planing strategies for the day or next. I then hear a noise from my right but it's two people. It's Henry and Wright. Crap. Then I hear something behind me. I turn, still crouched, and see Frances and Summer walking in the same direction towards Kelly's group. Henry and Wright are walking that way also. CRAP. We are all in the same place. Again!

I grab my axe and stare down to see what is about to happen. Frances and Summer start climbing the food next to mine. I crouch lower. They get on and ready their weapons. Frances loads an arrow into her bow and aims at Kelly. Dylan sees this and runs in front of Kelly and gets shot by Frances's arrow.

"No! I missed!" she yells.

Dylan is still alive. He was just hit in the stomach. But he won't have much time.

Maya and Elizabeth grabs their daggers and Katherine her bow and arrow. She loads it and aims at Frances. Henry and Wright storm into the clearing and starts fighting the people on the ground.

Henry pushes Katherine onto the ground and stabs her stomach with his trident.


Andrea throws a spear into the heart of Henry.


Kelly and Wright start fighting with their swords. Wright getting close every time but Kelly almost always sidesteps the swings.

Frances loads another arrow and doesn't know where to aim for Maya is running to her poison, Kelly is fighting Wright, and Andrea is protecting Elizabeth. She doesn't know who to kill. She hates Kelly for killing Henry, but when he came back she was still mad at Kelly. Then Andrea kills Henry. She either wants to kill Andrea, Kelly, or both. She finally chooses one and aims for Andrea. She fires the arrow but Andrea blocks it with her spear. It's amazing how something so thin, can still block an arrow.

I turn to see Frances only has four more arrows. She jumps off the roof and lands on a small porch then jumps again to the ground to retrieve her arrows. Then Summer spots me.

Summer Harris POV

I slowly move my hands forwards, a star in each hand. I bring them forward but before Tripp notices, it's too late. I throw one at him full speed. It would have gotten him right in the face if it weren't for him blocking it with his axe.

"I'm not gonna let you kill me again." He says.

"Are you sure about that?"

He grins and sprint towards me, axe in hand, ready to slice me in half. I toss my knife at him and it slices through the skin of his shoulder. He screams in agony but continues towards me. I throw another knife and he blocks it yet again with his axe. He then throws the axe. I backflip in the air and grab the axe while I and it is airborne. I land on my feet and throw the axe back at him. He ducks the throw. I jump onto the roof that he's on and get ready to throw or stab a knife at him. I reach for my knives and realize they're all gone. They are all scattered on the roof.

Claire Buchanan POV

I run in the clearing for I heard all the cannons going off around here. I then see Wright fighting the girl from 11, Kelly. He pushed her and took her sword. She's weaponless.

"Wright please." Kelly cries.

"Sorry but you kinda killed my cousin." Wright argues.

I run up from behind him attempt to slice his head clean off. He ducks down and trips on an exposed coal rock (probably from day 2), dropping his swords, and I kick it away. I then lock him to the ground with my feet, and hands. Then I grip my sword tighter.

"Fool! You deserved to die! What the hell is wrong with you?" Wright coughs.

"I'm sorry. Am I hurting you?" I asks. "You know it's too bad you couldn't help your district partner, Tricia." I say.

"Shut up!" He yells.

"Let's have some fun. Shall we?" I ask and raise the sickle high and bring it down but he stops it by forcing the blade by grabbing my wrist bringing the blade down. He's stronger than me. He pushes me off and grabs the sickle.

"No." I think to myself as I have nothing else. Not even my daggers.

"I guess it was just meant to be." He then says. He raises the weapon and brings it hard down in my stomach.

I hear a slight sound of a cannon in the distance.


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