Day 5 Pt. 1

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Maya Sutriasa POV


I wake up from the sound of a cannon. It came from the clearing. I'm gonna try to ignore it and start organizing my starters pack. I took a neon one. I know it's like putting up a sign that says "I am here!" but I know something that would have no camouflage would probably have something good in it.

Yesterday, when I killed Lydia, I took her axe. I have my dagger in my pocket and another vial of poison in my small neon green pack. I also took her back pack. It's black and has a lot of room. So I could probably put the neon one inside.

Right now I'm running away from the clearing. Going the direction Kelly and Dylan went. I know both of them. They're both from my district. We're the best of friends. I wanted to sponsor Kelly but it's was too late for the Capitol had a plan for another reaping and then Dylan volunteered. Probably cause he didn't want to be away from her or he wanted to be with her and protect her.

I don't know where they are so I turn a random direction and then I bump into Summer, the Two girl.

"Please don't ki-" I say and she puts her knife in her pocket and raises her hands.

"Listen I don't feel like killing you right now." She says. "How about you go that way and I go this way?" She points to two different direction. I nod. We shake hands and go our separate ways.

I start running a different direction and then I see Kelly. I don't see Dylan though. Dylan isn't with her? I walk over to her. "Kelly!" I say and walk over to her.

"Maya!" she runs over and hugs me. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too. Where's Dylan?" I say.

"He's in the building, looking for supplies." She says. "He's not going too far though."

"Oh. *sniff sniff* Jeez you stick." I say.

"Wow thanks sis." Kelly says sarcastically. Then Dylan walks in on our conversation.

"Maya!" says Dylan and hugs her.

"So how was the district while I was gone guys?" Kelly asks.

"Oh you know the usual. Me picking oranges off of trees and Dylan doing who knows what." I say.

"Um I've been sorting the fruit in the orchards AS USEUAL." He says looking at me and we all laugh.

"I miss you guys." Kelly says starting to cry AGAIN.

"You know you cry a lot." I say.

"I can't help it!" she sobs and gives use a group hug.

Grace Jaroz POV

5 minutes earlier

"I'm so sorry Robert." I sob knowing that this is his last day.

"Don't be." He says tears slowly moving across his face. "It was my doing."

"I should have staid with you!" I yell.

"Shhh shhh. Will you do something for me?"

"Yes anything." I promise him.

"Will you give me one last kiss? Before I die?"

I don't even think I answer with one swift movement of my face. I close my eyes and kiss him. First it starts out like we're trying not to hurt each other. Then it becomes more passionate when he brings me closer. Then we stop.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I shed a tear.


Andrew Vasquez POV

Present Time

The monument is tipped over from the wave. Almost looks like a pencil on a table. Us, the careers climbed on it for it's gonna be our camp. The people who are here are Wright, me, Frances, Henry, and Gridley. Gridley's is also a new tribute like me. Grace is coming back with Robert's pack. She was with him all yesterday. Talking, kissing, hugging, sharing memories. IT'S SICKENING!

I sharpen my knives and see Summer climbing up the monument. She looks at us and starts to wonder how she's going to get through with this. Our new alliance. New people she probably doesn't like. Considering she doesn't like anything.

"Matthew died. I saw it in the sky." Frances says. "What happened?"

"Clay threw a spear at him. I threw a knife at Clay and he died." Summer says.

"I'm sorry for your District partner." Says Gridley. I motion him to stop talking cause she's gonna get mad. Then he stays still.

"Thanks." She says, sits down and starts sharpening her knives.

"We're running out of food. I'm gonna go hunt." Says Frances. "Anyone wanna come with?"

"I will." I say, get up and walk over to her.

"Anyone else?" she asks. Everyone else stays silent. "Ok we'll be back in two or three hours!" Frances and I walk away.

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