District 13 Interviews

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Robert Johnston POV

"Hello District 13! How exiting is this?" Don starts.

"Very exiting." I say.

"Yes very." Grace says next.

"Now because everyone else's interviews were so short we are going to give you twice the time so we can catch up with the District and our newest tributes."

"Ok" me and Grace say in sync.

"Now let's start with weapons. What weapons are you looking forward to getting at the cornucopia?" Don asks.

"I'm good with throwing knives and a crossbow." I say.

"I'm smart with explosives, and I'm good with throwing knives as well."

"Amazing. Who do you all want to kill?"

"I think that I would like to kill Grace Lyle. She's good with a crossbow and I want to get to it before her or even better, kill her in the middle of the games and take it from her." I say.

"I can't wait to see that happen. Can't we folks?" Don inspires the crowd and makes them cheer. "And you, Grace?"

"I think I'd kill Clay Lawhead." She says.

"Really? What about Claire Buchanan or someone who is also good with throwing knives?" Don asks. "And why Clay?"

"Cause Clay can do more than what he did in front of the judges. He was doing a bunch of stuff in training and so when he was I front of the judges, he did what everyone else would have done. Try their best. But he didn't do that. He new he was just acting. He did things in training that would have gotten him a 13 as a score if they made that possible. And Claire isn't much a threat." She says and I know she's right.

He was awesome in training. He threw the spear really well. It's probably cause he's been hunting for God knows how long with a spear.

"All right. Now for the next question." Says Don as he looks through the cards of questions in his hands. "Ah. Here's ones. If you were anyone else in the arena, who would you be?"

"I would probably be Claire. She seems like she could win easily." Says Grace.

"I would be Clay. He's good with a spear. Super accurate. AND is also good a t dodging airborne weapons or anything." I say.

"Interesting. Now, do either of you see any attractive tributes with you all?" Don asks and I get scared.

Grace Jaroz POV

I open my eyes wide. I can't believe what he just asked. I'll start a riot. If I say people I don't like, they'll think I'm into them. If I say who I do like, then there's a chance I'm going to kill them in the arena. Or hopefully someone else will do it. Or maybe I'll die.

"Umm. I ... " I start, thinking of some excuse. Oh. "Have a boyfriend. Back home."

Then it seems Robert is in the same state. "Yeah I have a girlfriend. Back home." He says.

"Do you both really? What are the lucky girl and boy's names?"


"Jewel." Robert says.

"Jeremy." I lie.

"Amazing shout-outs."

Now our District knows we're lying. My parents don't know a Jeremy. Nor do I know a Jewel.

"Is there something you want to say to them?"

"Umm I think I'll save that for the games." Robert says.

"Yeah me too." I say.

"Oh come on! Say just a little something to them." Don insists.


"Are you kidding me? It was just getting good. Oh well. Let's have a final round of applause for our favorite District. District 13! Tributes Robert Johnston and Grace Jaroz!"

The crowd cheers loader than the other District's interviews. We are escorted off stage and come across the elevator to the tributes hotel rooms. Sense there are only 13 floors but the bottom one is the training room and the top one is District 12's pent house, we get to share with them cause they have more room. So we still have our own rooms.

Surprisingly I didn't see Tripp eating once I got there and Grace was talking to her mentor.

I got dressed in PJ's and went into the kitchen to make a last minute dinner. So did Robert. He was standing in his PJ's as well. He was eating some cake. I decided to walk over.

"You don't really have a boyfriend do you?" he asks.

"No. I had no choice but to make that up." I say.

"I know. Me too." He says.

"So you don't have a girlfriend." I say.


"You know there going to find to so called 'Jewel & Jeremy'." I say making quotation marks with my fingers.

"Maybe not." Robert suggest.

"Hopefully *yawn* not." I say sleepy.

"You need some rest for tonight. Big day tomorrow." Robert says.

"Your probably right." I say and turn around.I get to the door of my room and I stop for I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Robert walking towards me. He grabs me then kisses me.

"Good night." He says.

"Good night." I say back. He walks away and closes the door to his room. I walk in mine and I surprisingly go to sleep fast.

Grace Lyle POV

"What the crap just happened?" I ask my mentor.

"Love. Love is what happened." My mentor says.

"Gross." I say.

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